This repository provides ROS support for KHI robots.
ROS distribution Kinetic
, Melodic
, and Noetic
are supported.
Start khi_robot_control
roslaunch khi_robot_bringup ***_bringup.launch ip:=***
If you only want to view robot(not control), specify the argument 'viewer' to use viewer mode:
roslaunch khi_robot_bringup ***_bringup.launch ip:=*** viewer:=true
If you have no real robot, specify the argument 'simulation' to use loopback mode:
roslaunch khi_robot_bringup ***_bringup.launch simulation:=true
If you want to use gazebo simulation:
roslaunch ***_gazebo ***_world.launch
Start a MoveIt! script as:
roslaunch ***_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
Now you can see the rviz screen of MoveIt! and interact the robot with the GUI.
Refer to docs/
- duaro1
- rs007l
- rs007n
- rs013n
- rs025n
- rs80n
This software is experimental code. There are known issues and missing functionality.
The APIs are completely unstable and likely to change. Use in production systems is not recommended.
KHI coordinate and ROS cordinate are different.
Origin of KHI coordinate is Robot Link1 origin.
Origin of ROS coordinate is World origin.
uses position_controllers/JointPositionController
as default, and it can also use position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController
: ***_arm_controller (e.g.)rs007n_arm_controller
: ***_joint_group_controller (e.g.)rs007n_joint_group_controller
To check available controllers, you can use service controller_manager/list_controllers
To switch controllers, you can use service controller_manager/switch_controller
$ rosservice call /controller_manager/list_controllers
name: "rs007n_joint_group_controller"
state: "stopped"
type: "position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface"
resources: [joint1, joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6]
name: "joint_state_controller"
state: "running"
type: "joint_state_controller/JointStateController"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface::JointStateInterface"
resources: []
name: "rs007n_arm_controller"
state: "running"
type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface"
resources: [joint1, joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6]
$ rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- 'rs007n_joint_group_controller'
- 'rs007n_arm_controller'
strictness: 2"
ok: True
***_ description
are using STL files based on CAD Data of the KHI website.
Therefore KHI CAD Data Disclaimer is also applied to these files.