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Core CMS Pattern Library Implementation Quick Start

W. Bomar edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

This page describes how to develop a pattern library for

0. Use This Repo Template

Follow GitHub documentation but match TACC plugin repo name pattern, description pattern, and tags.

  1. Match the repository naming pattern: Core-CMS-Pattern-Library-______

  2. Describe the the repository using this template:

    A ___ pattern library for TACC Core CMS.

    Where ___ is the name of the pattern library software used.

  3. Use the same tags as this template repository:


1. Update the

  1. Replace the ___ in "CMS UI Patterns (powered by ___)" with the software used.
  2. Add to the "Requirements" section.
  3. (as helpful) Add more (after "Quick Start" section).

2. Implement Pattern Library

Add code to implement a pattern library software.