Rancici is an on-chain PvP battle game imagined in a Futuristic Naruto Style.
Players enter matches in which they get:
- Grid (7x7) on which 5 random characters from the Rancici Universe are placed
- Where each character has: Health, Armor, and Attack statistic
- Different shapes (10) that have:
- One of 3 effects (+30 Health, +20 Attack or +15 Armor) on character statistics
- (If the shape occupies one of character's adjacent cells)
- These shapes can be rotated, but cannot overlap
- One of 3 effects (+30 Health, +20 Attack or +15 Armor) on character statistics
Goal of the Game is to find the optimal positioning of the shapes, given the character placement, and the opponent they have encountered.
- Dojo Engine tooling (Sozo, Katana, Torii, NPM package: Create Burner) for the Game's contract development/test/deployment and Front connection
- Argent Mobile Wallet as the primary user wallet
See Contracts section for more information.
We are exploring couple of main further directions for the Rancici Universe, some being:
- Multiplayer mode, Multi-round matches, Community-driven tournaments/leagues, ...
- Player1 creates a match (open to everyone, or only to someone specific)
- Player2 choses to join one of the available matches
- Both players have a bounded time period in which they need to make shape placement decisions
- Both players commit on-chain to the move they have made (to prevent one player making alternations when they see the opponent's move)
- Both players reveal on-chain the move they have made
- Automatic battle is carried out under clear rules defined in the contract, and the winner is decided on-chain
Bellow is an illustration of the view that is presented to players after they have been matched (Step 3):
Battle is run automatically where each players's first alive character attacks the first alive character of the other player in loop. Automatic battle is run until one of the players has no live characters left or 50 turns (each) are made, at which point player with most health (sum of all characters health) wins.
Snapshot of one battle visualisation (Player2.Character4 is attacking Player1.Character5)
PVP battle game with following features:
- Create battle (done by Player1)
- Join battle (done by Player2)
- Commit formation (Commitment stage - done by both players)
- Reveal formation (Reveal stage - done by both players)
- Start battle (Winner is decided in this call)
Create and join will be perfomed automatically by Madara in the upcoming future vesions.
Check Contracts and Client sections for detailed information on how to setup and run the project.
For CLI battle commands and controls look at Battle Steps Commands section.