Shokubot is a slackbot that tracks how you and your team feel at work.
If you'd like to create the project from scratch, here are the steps to get started.
Use express generator to create a default express project. Make sure express generator is installed:
$ npm install express-generator -g
Create project with ejs as the view engine:
$ express shokubot --view=ejs
Install default node modules:
$ cd 01_note_saver && npm install
Set up git repository and create .gitignore file:
$ git init
$ curl,macos > .gitignore
Install additional modules for slack, database CRUD, and nodemon:
$ npm install @slack/client dotenv request knex pg
$ npm install nodemon --save-dev
In package.json, modify the start script to use nodemon:
"start": "nodemon ./bin/www"
Test that server starts:
$ npm run start
In package.json, add the following scripts to manage the database:
"db:create": "createdb -e shokubot_dev",
"db:drop": "dropdb -e --if-exists shokubot_dev"
Run the db:create script and initialize knex:
$ npm run db:create
$ knex init
Modify knexfile.js with database configurations.
To develop locally for slack, follow these instructions to download and install ngrok to your system's $PATH
In bin/www, make sure the dotenv module is required at the top of the file:
Create a .env
file in the project directory, and set the PORT variable to 4390:
Restart the server in one terminal:
$ npm run start
Start ngrok in another:
$ ngrok http 4390
Visit one of the ngrok forwarding addresses listed in the ngrok terminal to make sure everything is running.