My test ELK Deployment only for test maybe will do some help when you want to deploy ELK in single VM
You can convert your logstash configuration to Base64 encoded in So that you can set the "encodedConfigString" in logstashParameter.json
such as: input { stdin {} } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }
converted to encodedConfigString "aW5wdXQgIHsgICBzdGRpbiB7fSB9IG91dHB1dCB7ICAgc3Rkb3V0IHsgY29kZWMgPT4gcnVieWRlYnVnIH0gfQ==" you can change your own configuration into encodedConfigString as a parameter in logstashParameter.json
In the VM name has been fix into "elkSimple" for convenience
you need to reboot the logstash vm. so that you can start the logstash service. even though I have set the service to start in the .I don't know the reason for it