916 new problems found by Qodana for JS
Qodana for JS
916 new problems were found
Inspection name | Severity | Problems |
ESLint |
🔴 Failure | 563 |
Missing component import |
🔶 Warning | 313 |
Unused local symbol |
🔶 Warning | 7 |
Unused import |
🔶 Warning | 5 |
Syntax errors and unresolved references in JSDoc |
🔶 Warning | 2 |
Equality operator may cause type coercion |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Potentially invalid constructor usage |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Unnecessary semicolon |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Unused assignment |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Signature mismatch |
◽️ Notice | 10 |
Result of method call returning a promise is ignored |
◽️ Notice | 6 |
Redundant 'await' expression |
◽️ Notice | 3 |
Redundant nesting in template literal |
◽️ Notice | 2 |
Deprecated symbol used |
◽️ Notice | 1 |
💡 Qodana analysis was run in the pull request mode: only the changed files were checked
☁️ View the detailed Qodana report
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This result was published with Qodana GitHub Action
Check notice on line 40 in src/components/wt-search-bar/__tests__/WtSearchBar.spec.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Redundant 'await' expression
Redundant 'await' for a non-promise type
Check notice on line 22 in src/components/wt-pagination/__tests__/WtPagination.spec.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Redundant 'await' expression
Redundant 'await' for a non-promise type
Check notice on line 10 in src/scripts/__tests__/debounce.spec.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Redundant 'await' expression
Redundant 'await' for a non-promise type
Check notice on line 186 in src/components/wt-table/wt-table.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Redundant nesting in template literal
Redundant nesting in template literal
Check notice on line 186 in src/components/wt-table/wt-table.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Redundant nesting in template literal
Redundant nesting in template literal
Check warning on line 1 in src/mixins/validationMixin/useValidation.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Unused import
Unused import specifier isRef
Check warning on line 2 in src/modules/Filters/store/FiltersStoreModule.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Unused import
import debounce from '../../../scripts/debounce';
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Unused import
Unused import specifier onMounted
Check warning on line 3 in src/modules/TableStoreModule/store/TableStoreModule.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Unused import
Unused import specifier SortSymbols
Check warning on line 29 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/components/wt-app-header/wt-app-header-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
Unused import
import WebitelApplications from '../../../../../src/enums/WebitelApplications/WebitelApplications.enum';
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/components/wt-input/wt-input-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/components/wt-time-input/wt-time-input-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/modules/QueryFilters/classes/ApiFilterSchema.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/components/wt-label/wt-label.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/the-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/modules/QueryFilters/components/filter-search.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/shared/component-info.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/api/transformers/applyTransform.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/locale/ru/ru.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/composables/composables-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/components/wt-copy-action/wt-copy-action.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in src/composables/useCachedInterval/__tests__/useCachedInterval.spec.js
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package
Check failure on line 1 in docs/pages/webitel-ui/enums/agent-status/agent-status-enum-docs.vue
github-actions / Qodana for JS
ESLint: Install the 'eslint' package