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Merge pull request #60 from webitel/v24.04
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navrotskyj authored May 24, 2024
2 parents 6f335e4 + 7a1ea5f commit 30cfdce
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Showing 3 changed files with 139 additions and 4 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions store/sqlstore/call_center-schema.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -536,6 +536,7 @@ begin
reporting_at = now(),
leaving_at = case when leaving_at isnull then now() else leaving_at end,
result = status_,
variables = case when variables_ notnull then coalesce(variables::jsonb, '{}') || variables_ else variables end,
description = description_
where id = attempt_id_ and state != 'leaving'
returning * into attempt;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4032,7 +4033,8 @@ CREATE TABLE call_center.cc_member_attempt_history (
transferred_attempt_id bigint,
parent_id bigint,
form_fields jsonb,
import_id character varying(120)
import_id character varying(120),
variables jsonb

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4627,7 +4629,8 @@ CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE call_center.cc_member_attempt (
form_view jsonb,
import_id character varying(120),
schema_processing boolean DEFAULT false,
queue_params jsonb
queue_params jsonb,
variables jsonb
WITH (fillfactor='20', log_autovacuum_min_duration='0', autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor='0.05', autovacuum_enabled='1', autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay='20', autovacuum_vacuum_threshold='100', autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor='0.01');

Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions store/sqlstore/member_store.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -748,11 +748,13 @@ into call_center.cc_member_attempt_history (id, domain_id, queue_id, member_id,
agent_id, bucket_id, destination, display, description, list_communication_id,
joined_at, leaving_at, agent_call_id, member_call_id, offering_at, reporting_at,
bridged_at, channel, seq, resource_group_id, answered_at, team_id,
transferred_at, transferred_agent_id, transferred_attempt_id, parent_id, node_id, form_fields, import_id)
transferred_at, transferred_agent_id, transferred_attempt_id, parent_id, node_id, form_fields,
import_id, variables)
select, a.domain_id, a.queue_id, a.member_id, a.weight, a.resource_id, a.result, a.agent_id, a.bucket_id, a.destination,
a.display, a.description, a.list_communication_id, a.joined_at, a.leaving_at, a.agent_call_id, a.member_call_id,
a.offering_at, a.reporting_at, a.bridged_at,, a.seq, a.resource_group_id, a.answered_at, a.team_id,
a.transferred_at, a.transferred_agent_id, a.transferred_attempt_id, a.parent_id, a.node_id, a.form_fields, a.import_id
a.transferred_at, a.transferred_agent_id, a.transferred_attempt_id, a.parent_id, a.node_id, a.form_fields,
a.import_id, a.variables
from del a
returning id, result`)

Expand Down
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions store/sqlstore/migration/24.04/24.02-24.04.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ alter table call_center.cc_calls add column if not exists contact_id bigint;
alter table call_center.cc_calls_history add column if not exists contact_id bigint;

alter table call_center.cc_member_attempt add column if not exists queue_params jsonb;
alter table call_center.cc_member_attempt add column if not exists variables jsonb;
alter table call_center.cc_member_attempt_history add column if not exists variables jsonb;

alter table call_center.cc_calls add column if not exists heartbeat timestamp with time zone;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1496,3 +1498,131 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cc_team_trigger_team_id_name_uindex ON call_center.cc_team_t

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cc_team_trigger_team_id_schema_id_uindex ON call_center.cc_team_trigger USING btree (team_id, schema_id);

-- Name: cc_attempt_end_reporting(bigint, character varying, character varying, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, integer, jsonb, integer, integer, boolean, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: call_center; Owner: -

CREATE or replace FUNCTION call_center.cc_attempt_end_reporting(attempt_id_ bigint, status_ character varying, description_ character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying, expire_at_ timestamp with time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp with time zone, next_offering_at_ timestamp with time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp with time zone, sticky_agent_id_ integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, variables_ jsonb DEFAULT NULL::jsonb, max_attempts_ integer DEFAULT 0, wait_between_retries_ integer DEFAULT 60, exclude_dest boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, _per_number boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS record
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
attempt call_center.cc_member_attempt%rowtype;
agent_timeout_ timestamptz;
time_ int8 = extract(EPOCH from now()) * 1000;
user_id_ int8 = null;
domain_id_ int8;
wrap_time_ int;
other_cnt_ int;
stop_cause_ varchar;
agent_channel_ varchar;

if next_offering_at_ notnull and not attempt.result in ('success', 'cancel') and next_offering_at_ < now() then
-- todo move to application
raise exception 'bad parameter: next distribute at';
end if;

update call_center.cc_member_attempt
set state = 'leaving',
reporting_at = now(),
leaving_at = case when leaving_at isnull then now() else leaving_at end,
result = status_,
variables = case when variables_ notnull then coalesce(variables::jsonb, '{}') || variables_ else variables end,
description = description_
where id = attempt_id_ and state != 'leaving'
returning * into attempt;

if isnull then
return null;
-- raise exception 'not found %', attempt_id_;
end if;

if attempt.member_id notnull then
update call_center.cc_member m
set last_hangup_at = time_,
variables = case when variables_ notnull then coalesce(m.variables::jsonb, '{}') || variables_ else m.variables end,
expire_at = case when expire_at_ isnull then m.expire_at else expire_at_ end,
agent_id = case when sticky_agent_id_ isnull then m.agent_id else sticky_agent_id_ end,

stop_at = case when next_offering_at_ notnull or
m.stop_at notnull or
(not attempt.result in ('success', 'cancel') and
case when _per_number is true then (attempt.waiting_other_numbers > 0 or (max_attempts_ > 0 and coalesce((m.communications#>(format('{%s,attempts}', attempt.communication_idx::int)::text[]))::int, 0) + 1 < max_attempts_)) else (max_attempts_ > 0 and (m.attempts + 1 < max_attempts_)) end
then m.stop_at else attempt.leaving_at end,
stop_cause = case when next_offering_at_ notnull or
m.stop_at notnull or
(not attempt.result in ('success', 'cancel') and
case when _per_number is true then (attempt.waiting_other_numbers > 0 or (max_attempts_ > 0 and coalesce((m.communications#>(format('{%s,attempts}', attempt.communication_idx::int)::text[]))::int, 0) + 1 < max_attempts_)) else (max_attempts_ > 0 and (m.attempts + 1 < max_attempts_)) end
then m.stop_cause else attempt.result end,

ready_at = case when next_offering_at_ notnull then next_offering_at_ at time zone tz.names[1]
else now() + (wait_between_retries_ || ' sec')::interval end,

last_agent = coalesce(attempt.agent_id, m.last_agent),
communications = jsonb_set(m.communications, (array[attempt.communication_idx::int])::text[], m.communications->(attempt.communication_idx::int) ||
jsonb_build_object('last_activity_at', case when next_offering_at_ notnull then '0'::text::jsonb else time_::text::jsonb end) ||
jsonb_build_object('attempt_id', attempt_id_) ||
jsonb_build_object('attempts', coalesce((m.communications#>(format('{%s,attempts}', attempt.communication_idx::int)::text[]))::int, 0) + 1) ||
case when exclude_dest or
(_per_number is true and coalesce((m.communications#>(format('{%s,attempts}', attempt.communication_idx::int)::text[]))::int, 0) + 1 >= max_attempts_) then jsonb_build_object('stop_at', time_) else '{}'::jsonb end
attempts = m.attempts + 1 --TODO
from call_center.cc_member m2
left join flow.calendar_timezone_offsets tz on = m2.sys_offset_id
where = attempt.member_id and =
returning m.stop_cause into stop_cause_;
end if;

if attempt.agent_id notnull then
select a.user_id, a.domain_id, case when a.on_demand then null else coalesce(tm.wrap_up_time, 0) end,
case when = 'chat' then (select count(1)
from call_center.cc_member_attempt aa
where aa.agent_id = attempt.agent_id and != and aa.state != 'leaving') else 0 end as other
into user_id_, domain_id_, wrap_time_, other_cnt_
from call_center.cc_agent a
left join call_center.cc_team tm on = attempt.team_id
where = attempt.agent_id;

if other_cnt_ > 0 then
update call_center.cc_agent_channel c
set last_bucket_id = coalesce(attempt.bucket_id, last_bucket_id)
where (c.agent_id, = (attempt.agent_id,
returning null, channel into agent_timeout_, agent_channel_;
elseif wrap_time_ > 0 or wrap_time_ isnull then
update call_center.cc_agent_channel c
set state = 'wrap_time',
joined_at = now(),
timeout = case when wrap_time_ > 0 then now() + (wrap_time_ || ' sec')::interval end,
last_bucket_id = coalesce(attempt.bucket_id, last_bucket_id)
where (c.agent_id, = (attempt.agent_id,
returning timeout, channel into agent_timeout_, agent_channel_;
update call_center.cc_agent_channel c
set state = 'waiting',
joined_at = now(),
timeout = null,
last_bucket_id = coalesce(attempt.bucket_id, last_bucket_id),
queue_id = null
where (c.agent_id, = (attempt.agent_id,
returning timeout, channel into agent_timeout_, agent_channel_;
end if;
end if;

return row(call_center.cc_view_timestamp(now()),,

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