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Espen Henriksen edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 4 revisions

Different browsers use different endpoint URLs for push notifications. Because this library intends to abstract away the the handling of these endpoints, we need to figure out the URLs the browsers use. The table below attempts to be a central point of reference for developers on this project.

If your browser supports Push notifications, and is not a part of this list, or if your browser's endpoint(s) are wrong/changed, please create an issue on this project so that this can be addressed.

Browser URL Structure Example
Google Chrome non-VAPID{registrationId}
Google Chrome VAPID{registrationId}
Mozilla Firefox non-VAPID{protocol_type}/{registrationId}
Mozilla Firefox VAPID{protocol_type}/{registrationId}


Firefox push URL: This is the URL used by my Firefox Developer edition in my (Espen's) tests, but most articles online say that the URL should be using /push/, not /wpush/. I guess these can change at a moment's notice.

Firefox push URL: It seems Firefox uses v1 for non-VAPID, and v2 for VAPID endpoints.

Opera and Vivaldi: In my (Espen's) tests, Opera and Vivaldi both seem to use the same endpoint URLs as Google Chrome. So they got some brotherly sharing going on there.

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