Let's make a cool new app called TWEEDR!! Not Twitter, geez...
If a user goes to the root route /
they see all the tweets.
Users can register and/or login in order to create a tweet.
Create each part of your app step by step.
Create a tables.sql for your app. Don't worry too much about making it complete, since with a seed.sql file you can update your db easily.
- The basic tables.sql will have a users table and a tweets table.
- The app provides a basic user creation, so the basic app doesn't need anything more for users.
Implement login of the user.
Create the ability to make a tweet.
Change the root route to display all tweets.
Users can follow other users.
Users can see just the tweets of the users that they follow.
Users can see just the tweets of the users that follow them.
Create user profile pages. /users/1
Each reference on a page should be a link to that thing - (each tweet should link to a single tweet, each user should link to their profile, etc.)
Validate that the user trying to register is using a name unique to the system.
Make sure that users cannot "follow" people more than once.
Add a new column to the db that tracks the time that the tweet was created.
Add sort by date to each kind of tweet feed you made.
Add the ability to edit a tweet.
Add the ability to delete things.
Add bootstrap to your app.
Add the ability to add a profile picture - see input
and form
Add the ability to tweet photos, also using the same profile pic upload as above.