Wazuh Ansible v3.7.0-3701
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Amazon Linux deployments are now supported (#71) (#67)
- Added the option to add rule files and decoders directly over the local rule and decoder directories in /var/ossec/etc (#81).
- Added the necessary variables to configure a new configuration template for the Wazuh API (#80).
- Added the option to verify the shared configuration for agents set in the manager (#76).
- Added the option to configure the active response (#75).
- Repository restructure.
- Extended conditions to register a Wazuh agent. Now will register the agent in cases where there is no client.keys or the file exists but this empty (#79).
- Grouping of tasks in a block under the same condition to improve the efficiency of the code (#74).
- Improved efficiency of the Java repository (#73).