string, Basin name.
string, Path to landuse geotiff-file.
string, Path to geotiff-file, 1 is part of basin, 0 is not part of basin.
dictionary, one entry per subbasin. The key is the subbasin number (int). The corresponding value is a tuple containing: (Subbasin name (str), Path to geotiff-files of subbasin mask (str), list of textfiles for additional supply to basin (list of str), list of textfiles for interbasin transfers (list of str)).
float, Parameter indicating how much of ET is recycled within the basin.
string, Path to csv file with timeseries of GRACE data
boolean, Value is true if WaterPix is used directly in sheet5 rather than Surfwat
boolean, Value is True if an initial split in SW/GW supply is done based on landuse class and values in get_dictionnaries
boolean, Value is True if GW/SW split is adjusted. Can be true weather or not initial split based on landuse is done. If both of these are False, all supply will be SWsupply
tuple, lower and upper bounds of trigonometric function parameters for splitting suply into sw and gw as ([alpha_l, beta_l, theta_l],[alpha_u, beta_u, theta_u]). ([0., 0., 0.], [1.0, 1.0, 12.]) are the widest bounds allowed. alpha controls the mean, beta the amplitude and theta the phase.
integer, Start month of water year. Used to compute the yearly sheets.
boolean, True will use original method to determine NDM_max (based on entire domain), false will use a different method dependent on nearby pixels of the same lu-category.