A service which makes it easy possible to have recursive Angular directives.
When an Angular directive calls itself, Angular gets into an endless loop. This service provides the logic needed to work around this.
bower install angular-recursion
.- Include
. - Add the
module as a dependency. - Inject the
service and use it.
Inject the RecursionHelper
service into your directive, and use it in the compile
function, as shown in the example below. The example is also available as a Plunker, so you can see it running.
angular.module('myModule', ['RecursionHelper']).directive("tree", function(RecursionHelper) {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {family: '='},
'<p>{{ family.name }}{{test }}</p>'+
'<ul>' +
'<li ng-repeat="child in family.children">' +
'<tree family="child"></tree>' +
'</li>' +
compile: function(element) {
return RecursionHelper.compile(element, function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller, transcludeFn){
// Define your normal link function here.
// Alternative: instead of passing a function,
// you can also pass an object with
// a 'pre'- and 'post'-link function.