composer require walangkaji/litensi-api
Please retrieve the API ID and Key from the following link:
use walangkaji\LitensiAPI\Litensi;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$apiId = 000;
$apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$litensi = new Litensi($apiId, $apiKey);
// Get profile
$profile = $litensi->profile();
// API Social Media
$socialMedia = $litensi->socialMedia();
$service = $socialMedia->services();
$order = $socialMedia->order(...);
$status = $socialMedia->status(...);
// API SMS Activation
$sms = $litensi->sms();
$countries = $sms->countries();
$services = $sms->services();
$operators = $sms->operators();
$prices = $sms->prices();
$order = $sms->order(...);
$getStatus = $sms->getStatus(...);
$setStatus = $sms->setStatus(...);
// API Email Activation
$mail = $litensi->mail();
$prices = $mail->prices(...);
$order = $mail->order(...);
$getStatus = $mail->getStatus(...);
$setStatus = $mail->setStatus(...);
$reOrder = $mail->reOrder(...);
With Windows Terminal :
# run phpunit
php vendor/bin/phpunit
# run psalm static analysis tool
php vendor/bin/psalm
# run phpstan static analysis tool
php vendor/bin/phpstan
# run php-cs-fixer for fix
php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff
# run php-cs-fixer for check without writing changes
php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --dry-run
With Unix (bash / git bash):
Windows Terminal : install Chocolatey and install GNU Make:
# run phpunit
make test
# run psalm static analysis tool
make psalm
# run phpstan static analysis tool
make phpstan
# run php-cs-fixer for fix
make fixer-fix
# run php-cs-fixer for check without writing
make fixer-check