wai.annotations plugin for video support.
Filters frames from the stream using the labels in the annotations, i.e., keeps or drops frames depending on presence/absence of labels.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
- Image Classification Domain
usage: filter-frames-by-label-od [--excluded-labels EXCLUDED_LABELS] [--key-label KEY_LABEL] [--key-score KEY_SCORE] [--min-score MIN_SCORE] [--required-labels REQUIRED_LABELS] [-v]
optional arguments:
--excluded-labels EXCLUDED_LABELS
the comma-separated list of labels that will automatically drop the frame when present in the frame
--key-label KEY_LABEL
the meta-data key in the annotations that contains the label.
--key-score KEY_SCORE
the meta-data key in the annotations to use for storing the prediction score.
--min-score MIN_SCORE
the minimum score that predictions must have in order to be included in the label checks, ignored if not supplied
--required-labels REQUIRED_LABELS
the comma-separated list of labels that must be present in the frame, otherwise it gets dropped
-v, --verbose whether to output debugging information.
Reads frames from a video file.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: from-video-file-od [-f FROM_FRAME] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-m MAX_FRAMES] [-n NTH_FRAME] [-p PREFIX] [-t TO_FRAME]
optional arguments:
-f FROM_FRAME, --from-frame FROM_FRAME
determines with which frame to start the stream (1-based index)
the video file to read
-m MAX_FRAMES, --max-frames MAX_FRAMES
determines the maximum number of frames to read; ignored if <=0
-n NTH_FRAME, --nth-frame NTH_FRAME
determines whether frames get skipped and only evert nth frame gets forwarded
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
the prefix to use for the frames
-t TO_FRAME, --to-frame TO_FRAME
determines after which frame to stop (1-based index); ignored if <=0
Reads frames from a webcam.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: from-webcam-od [-f FROM_FRAME] [-m MAX_FRAMES] [-n NTH_FRAME] [-p PREFIX] [-t TO_FRAME] [-i WEBCAM_ID]
optional arguments:
-f FROM_FRAME, --from-frame FROM_FRAME
determines with which frame to start the stream (1-based index)
-m MAX_FRAMES, --max-frames MAX_FRAMES
determines the maximum number of frames to read; ignored if <=0
-n NTH_FRAME, --nth-frame NTH_FRAME
determines whether frames get skipped and only evert nth frame gets forwarded
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
the prefix to use for the frames
-t TO_FRAME, --to-frame TO_FRAME
determines after which frame to stop (1-based index); ignored if <=0
-i WEBCAM_ID, --webcam-id WEBCAM_ID
the webcam ID to read from
Drops frames from the stream.
- Image Classification Domain
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: drop-frames [-n NTH_FRAME]
optional arguments:
-n NTH_FRAME, --nth-frame NTH_FRAME
which nth frame to drop, e..g, '2' means to drop every 2nd frame; passes frames through if <=1
Skips frames in the stream that are deemed too similar.
- Image Classification Domain
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: skip-similar-frames [-b BW_THRESHOLD] [-t CHANGE_THRESHOLD] [-c CONVERSION] [-v]
optional arguments:
-b BW_THRESHOLD, --bw-threshold BW_THRESHOLD
the threshold to use for converting a gray-scale like image to black and white (0-255)
the percentage of pixels that changed relative to size of image (0-1)
how to convert the BGR image to a single channel image (gray/r/g/b)
-v, --verbose whether to output some debugging output.
Writes frames to a MJPG video file.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: to-video-file-od [-f FPS] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
optional arguments:
-f FPS, --fps FPS the frames per second to use
the MJPG video file to write to
Calculates the changes between frames, which can be used with the skip-similar-frames ISP.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: calc-frame-changes [-b BW_THRESHOLD] [-t CHANGE_THRESHOLD] [-c CONVERSION] [-B NUM_BINS] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-v]
optional arguments:
-b BW_THRESHOLD, --bw-threshold BW_THRESHOLD
the threshold to use for converting a gray-scale like image to black and white (0-255)
the percentage of pixels that changed relative to size of image (0-1)
how to convert the BGR image to a single channel image (gray/r/g/b)
-B NUM_BINS, --num-bins NUM_BINS
the number of bins to use for the histogram
the file to write to statistics to, stdout if not provided
how to output the statistics (text/csv/json)
-v, --verbose whether to output some debugging output.