wai.annotations module for managing image classification annotations with sub-directories corresponding to labels.
The manual is available here:
Reads audio files from sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Audio classification domain
usage: from-subdir-ac [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Reads images from sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Image Classification Domain
usage: from-subdir-ic [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Reads spectra from sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Spectrum Classification Domain
usage: from-subdir-sc [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Writes audio files to sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Audio classification domain
usage: to-subdir-ac -o PATH [--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]]
[--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]]
optional arguments:
-o PATH, --output PATH
the directory to store the class directories in (default: None)
--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]
the names to use for the splits (default: [])
--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
the ratios to use for the splits (default: [])
Writes images to sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Image Classification Domain
usage: to-subdir-ic -o PATH [--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]]
[--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]]
optional arguments:
-o PATH, --output PATH
the directory to store the class directories in (default: None)
--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]
the names to use for the splits (default: [])
--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
the ratios to use for the splits (default: [])
Writes spectra to sub-directories named after their class labels.
- Spectrum Classification Domain
usage: to-subdir-sc [--no-interleave] -o PATH [--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]]
[--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]]
optional arguments:
--no-interleave disables item interleaving (splitting will occur in runs) (default: False)
-o PATH, --output PATH
the directory to store the class directories in (default: None)
--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]
the names to use for the splits (default: [])
--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
the ratios to use for the splits (default: [])