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Meeting 2017 07 12

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

Meeting: Wed 12 July, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  • Conference
  • AOB



  • Martin (scribe)
  • Andy W.
  • Andy R.
  • Antonio
  • Nicolas


  • Martin: About the conference in October.
  • … I’ve created an early draft of the main conference webpage.
  • … We should have the agenda finalised by September, with all speakers included.
  • … Also we should start with the invitations.
  • AndyW: Nicolas sent some invitations already.
  • Nicolas: I’ve sent informal invitations, yes.
  • Martin: I can invite Anacleto (Spanish Fed.) to present their system.
  • Nicolas: Indeed they have a new platform with export features.
  • AndyR: I’ll review tomorrow the document and I’ll work on the website.
  • … I’m worried about the cost. We shouldn’t say the event will be free of charge for all. If we have too much requests, we cannot pay for everyone (coffees, etc.).
  • Martin: What about a pre-registration form without saying anything about prize?
  • AndyR: OK. The first thing is having the exact information about dates, and place. At least to confirm the event.
  • Martin: I’ll create a Google preregistration form
  • [Connection dropped]

Next meeting: Wed 19 July 2017. Same time

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