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Test Framework for Apache Drill

Test Framework for SQL on Hadoop technologies. Currently supports Apache Drill, a schema-free SQL query engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and cloud storage.

The framework is built for regression, integration & sanity testing. Includes test coverage (with baselines) for core Drill functionality, and supported features. And are used by the Apache Drill community for pre-commit regression and part of the release criteria.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Configure test environment
  3. Review tests
  4. Build test framework
  5. Execute tests

Clone the repository

 git clone [email protected]:mapr/drill-test-framework.git

Refer to Github documentation on how to clone a repository.

Configure test environment

  1. The test framework requires a distributed file system such as HDFS or MapR-FS to be configured. Some of the tests can also be run against a local file system. By default, it's configured to run against MapR-FS. You can change the default behavior by modifying conf/core-site.xml. Refer to conf/core-site.xml.example for settings.
  2. To run all tests, Hive and HBase needs to be installed and running. To exclude Hive and HBase tests, please refer to the example in the Execute Tests section.
  3. The test framework should be run on a Drill cluster node. Refer to Drill documentation for details on how to setup Drill. It can also be run on a client node with additional configuration required.
  4. Cluster information are set in the conf/ file. This is the main configuration file for the framework. It needs to be modified with local cluster info before compile the framework and run tests.

Review tests:

Structure of Test Framework

     |_ framework
        |_ resources
           |_ Functional   (default location for test suites) 
           |_ Advanced     (test suites requiring large datasets)
           |_ Datasources  (datasets and scripts)
     |_ bin
        |_ build_framework (script used to compile the framework)
        |_ run_tests       (script used to execute tests)

Adding Tests

  1. In the Functional / Advanced directory, create a directory for a new test suite (or cd to an existing test suite).
  2. In the test suite directory, add testcases, expected results, and test definition file(s). Optionally include test suite sub directories to organize tests.
  3. Pairs of testcase (ex: query1.sql) and expected result files (ex: query1.e_tsv) are co-located and share the same name.
  4. You could generate expected result files using Postgres or any such database.
  5. In the [Datasources][framework/resources/Datasources] directory, create corresponding datasource directories and copy over any required scripts and datasets required by the tests.
  6. Refer to README for downloading datasets required for the Advanced tests.

Add testcases

A testcase consists a query file and a baseline file containing the expected result. The query file contains a list of SQL statements. Only one query statement that proceeded with a "--@test" line (can't contain ";") is verified against the baseline. If no query meets that requirement, the middle query is verified. Here is an example:

-- Some setup queries setup query one; ... --@test The following query will be verified. select * from table; -- Some teardown queries teardown query one; ...

Structure of test definiton files.

A test definition file is a JSON file that defines one or a set of tests within a directory. The framework scans for files with .json extension in the specified location(s) and executes all test(s) defined.

   "testId": "...",                    // Unique identification string for test suite. Ex: window_function_tests
   "type": "group",                    // Group of tests
   "negative": false,                  // Tests are positive or negative (expected success or expected failures)
   "description": "...",               // Description for test suites
   "submit-type": "jdbc",              // Currently the support types: jdbc, odbc, script
   "script": "Functional/script_location/ paras" // Specify the test script to execute
   "queryType": "sql",              
   "timeout": null,
   "categories": [
     "...",                            // Labels for categorizing test suites. Ex: smoke
   "dependencies": [
     "...",                            // Additional dependencies in setup. Ex: hive, hbase, maprdb
   "matrices": [
       "query-file": `".*.sql"`,       // File name pattern of query files (REGEX). The example will match any filename with ".sql" extension
       "schema": "dfs.tmp",            // Drill storage plugin.workspace, or just the storage plugin name in case of hive, hbase
       "output-format": "tsv",         // Delimiter to seperate columns in expected result files
       "expected-file": `".*.e_tsv"`,  // File name pattern of expected result files (REGEX)
       "username": "user",
       "password": "pass",
       "verification-type": [          // Supported type "in-memory", "regex"
   "datasources": [
       "mode": "cp",                   // Use "cp" to copy datasets
       "src": "``",
       "dest": "``"
       "mode": "gen",                  // Use "gen" to execute scripts
       "src": "``",
       "dest": ""

Build test framework

In the root directory of you repository, issue

bin/build_framework -Pdownload

to build the project and also download any dependent datasets configured in pom.xml. If you already downloaded the dependent datasets, you can simply issue


Execute tests

In the root directory of your repository, execute the following command to run tests:

bin/run_tests -s <suites> -g <groups> -t <Timeout> -x <Exclude> -n <Concurrency> -d


 	bin/run_tests -s `Functional/aggregates,Functional/joins` -g `smoke,regression` -x `hbase` -t `180` -n `2` -d
    -s suites (required)
       Here `Functional/aggregates,Functional/joins` are directories inside `framework/resources/Functional`. All test suites
       and sub-suites within a directory are included
    -g groups (required)
       Here `smoke, regression` are categories of tests to execute
    -t timeout (optional)
       Here `180` seconds is the max time for a query to execute
    -d data generation (required on first run and upon pulling in new changes. Optional otherwise)
       Here it turns on data copy and data generation
    -n concurrency (optional)
       Here `2` queries can execute concurrently
    -x exclude dependencies (optional)
       Here any `hbase` test suites within the specified directory are excluded
    -h help (optional)
       Use this option to provide the usage of the command, which includes additional options

Special handling for Drill version in regex based baseline verification

The Drill version in a regex based baseline file can be substituted with "{DRILL_VERSION}". At runtime, it will be replaced with actual Drill version and verified against the running version.

Special handling for order-by tests

The Test Framework is able to verify the order in which rows are returned for some SQL statements that have an order-by clause. If the columns in the order-by clause are also projected (present) in the output, then the Test Framework may be able to check the order of the rows that are returned. Here are some requirements for a query to be validated by the Test Framework:

  1. All columns/fields in the order-by clause must appear in the projection list
  2. Expressions cannot be used in the order-by clause. Things like "order by column.field[2]". The [2] indicates an expression which is the third element in the field array.
  3. Referencing a field within a json string in a column is more complicated. Most cases are supported. Some cases may not work.
  4. If a query references more than one table, then use aliases for each column in the projection list, and reference these aliases in the order-by clause. Using aliases is a good practice in general when verifying an order-by clause.
  5. The order-by clause cannot be followed by another SQL operation except for limit. If the order-by clause is followed by an offset or collate, for example, it might not work.

Here are some queries that can be validated:

  1. select id, gbyi from complex.json order by id limit 10;

+-----+-------+ | id | gbyi | +-----+-------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 6 | | 7 | 7 | | 8 | 8 | | 9 | 9 | | 10 | 10 | +-----+-------+

This query can be validated because the results are ordered by the "id" column, and the "id" column is projected in the output. The Test Framework can examine the output and verify that the rows are in order.

  1. select * from (select d.uid uid, flatten( evnts from data.json d order by d.uid) s order by s.evnts.event_time, s.evnts.campaign_id;

+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | uid | evnts | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | {"event_name":"e1_name","event_time":1000000,"type":"cmpgn1"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e2_name","event_time":2000000,"type":"cmpgn4","evnt_id":"e2","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e2_name","event_time":2000000,"type":"cmpgn4","evnt_id":"e2","campaign_id":"c1"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e3_name","event_time":3000000,"type":"cmpgn1","evnt_id":"e3","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e3_name","event_time":3000000,"type":"cmpgn1","evnt_id":"e3","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e4_name","event_time":4000000,"type":"cmpgn1","evnt_id":"e4","campaign_id":"c1"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e5_name","event_time":5000000,"type":"cmpgn3","evnt_id":"e5","campaign_id":"c2"} | | null | {"event_time":6000000,"type":"cmpgn9","evnt_id":"e6","campaign_id":"c1"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e6_name","event_time":6000000,"type":"cmpgn9","evnt_id":"e6"} | | null | {"event_name":"e7_name","event_time":7000000,"type":"cmpgn3","evnt_id":"e7","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e8_name","event_time":8000000,"type":"null","evnt_id":"e8","campaign_id":"c2"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e8_name","event_time":8000000,"type":"cmpgn2","evnt_id":"e8","campaign_id":"c2"} | | null | {"event_time":9000000,"type":"cmpgn4","evnt_id":"e9","campaign_id":"c2"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e9_name","event_time":9000000,"type":"cmpgn4","evnt_id":"e9"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e7_name","type":"cmpgn3","evnt_id":"e7","campaign_id":"c1"} | | 1 | {"event_name":"e4_name","type":"cmpgn1","evnt_id":"e4","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e1_name","type":"cmpgn9","campaign_id":"c1"} | | null | {"event_name":"e5_name","type":"cmpgn2","evnt_id":"e5","campaign_id":"c2"} | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

This query can be validated because the results are ordered by the data in the "evnts" column, and the "evnts" column is projected in the output. The Test Framework can parse the JSON string in the "evnts" column and examine the event_time and campaign_id values.

These queries cannot be validated:

  1. select t.gbyt,, t.ooa[0].in zeroin, t.ooa[1].fl.f1 flf1, t.ooa[1].fl.f2 flf2, t.ooa[1].in onein, t.ooa[2], t.ooa[2], t.ooa[2] from complex.json t where t.ooa[2] is not null order by t.ooa[2] limit 10;

+-------+--------+---------+-------------+-----------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | gbyt | id | zeroin | flf1 | flf2 | onein | EXPR$6 | EXPR$7 | EXPR$8 | +-------+--------+---------+-------------+-----------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | aaa | 10 | null | null | null | 10 | aaa 10 | bbb 10 | ccc 10 | | ooos | 1000 | null | null | null | 1000 | aaa 1000 | bbb 1000 | ccc 1000 | | nul | 10002 | null | null | null | 10002 | aaa 10002 | bbb 10002 | ccc 10002 | | sba | 10003 | 10003 | 10003.6789 | 154351.0 | 10003 | aaa 10003 | bbb 10003 | ccc 10003 | | str | 10008 | 10008 | null | null | 10008 | aaa 10008 | bbb 10008 | ccc 10008 | | fl | 10009 | 10009 | null | null | 10009 | aaa 10009 | bbb 10009 | ccc 10009 | | saa | 1001 | null | 1001.6789 | 64331.0 | 1001 | aaa 1001 | bbb 1001 | ccc 1001 | | soa | 10023 | null | null | null | 10023 | aaa 10023 | bbb 10023 | ccc 10023 | | nul | 10028 | null | 10028.6789 | 154601.0 | 10028 | aaa 10028 | bbb 10028 | ccc 10028 | | ooos | 10029 | null | 10029.6789 | 154611.0 | 10029 | aaa 10029 | bbb 10029 | ccc 10029 | +-------+--------+---------+-------------+-----------+--------+------------+------------+------------+

This query cannot be validated because the order-by has an expression, "t.ooa[2]". The Test Framework cannot evaluate the array reference "ooa[2]".

  1. select id from complex.json order by gbyi limit 10;

+------+ | id | +------+ | 106 | | 121 | | 91 | | 46 | | 61 | | 31 | | 1 | | 76 | | 16 | | 136 | +------+

This query cannot be validated because the "gbyi" column is not projected so the Test Framework cannot determine what the order should be.




Test Framework for Apache Drill







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  • Eiffel 75.8%
  • E 21.9%
  • OpenEdge ABL 1.8%
  • Java 0.2%
  • Shell 0.1%
  • PLSQL 0.1%
  • Other 0.1%