I am pursuing a Master of Science degree in Artificial Intelligence at Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering 🏫, where I am learning advanced topics in machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. I have a strong background in biomedical engineering, with a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Houston, and am in the process of obtaining the Data Science certification from IBM.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Artificial Intelligence at Johns Hopkins University 🏫
- 🌍 Languages: Python, MATLAB, SQL, Vietnamese, English
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
RABID TASKER is a a ✨revolutionary✨ task management tool that brings ancient task management into the future built with Google Firebase. This project showcases my skills in developing scalable web applications with real-time database capabilities, implementing user authentication and authorization systems, and creating intuitive user interfaces for seamless task management experiences. You can check out the repository here.
This project is a method to construct a recruitment curve of a nerve in the bladder when stimulated by an electrode built with Sim4Life, ImageJ, Python. This project showcases my skills in computational modeling, image analysis, and programming with Python.. You can check out the work here.