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This is the sample Gitlab project to deploy Pixie Cloud to a k8s cluster using the official Helm terraform provider.


This is a Gitlab project with a sample CI/CD configuration which can be run as a Gitlab CI/CD project. It uses Terraform, and basically can be run as an ordinary terraform project:

$ cd ./deployment/local
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

There are several variables to configure:

Variable Type Default Comment
config_path string ~/.kube/config kubeconfig path
pixie_cloud_ns string plc namespace to deploy chart to
domain_name string Pixie Cloud domain name
stan_storage_class string "" *STAN persistent volume storage class (if ommited, "standard" will be used)
cloud_components_node_selector object{label, value} null node selector for Pixie Cloud components
cloud_components_tolerations list(object{effect, key, value}) null tolerations for Pixie Cloud components
postgresql_storage_class string "" PostgreSQL persistent volume storage class (if ommited, "standard" will be used)
postgresql_node_selector object{label, value} null node selector for PostgreSQL deployed with dependent chart
postgresql_tolerations list(object{effect, key, value}) null tolerations for PostgreSQL deployed with dependent chart
elasticsearch_storage_class string "" Elasticsearch persistent volume storage class (if ommited, "standard" will be used)
elasticsearch_node_selector object{label= string, value = string} null node selector for Elasticsearch DB deployed with dependent chart
elasticsearch_tolerations list(object({effect = string, key = string, value = string})) null tolerations for Elasticsearch DB deployed with dependent chart

*NATS/STAN: The Cloud's message bus system for distributing messages between services in Pixie Clouds. STAN is addtionally used for any messages that may need persistence.

Helm chart used by this project installs non-HA versions of Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL by default using helm dependencies.


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