Eleventy plugin for server-side MathJax rendering.
npm install eleventy-plugin-mathjax --save-dev
const mathjaxPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-mathjax");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
Use $...$
for inline equations, $$...$$
for block equations,
and \$
for escaping the dollar sign.
MathJax-style \(...\)
and \[...\]
are also supported,
but see below for caveat.
In Markdown files, \(
, \[
and \$
need to be written as \\\(
, \\\[
and \\$
This is due to that the plugin operates on the generated HTML, not directly on the source file.
Latex commands which start with a symbol (e.g. \_
, \,
, \{
, \<
) also need to be escaped.
Alternatively, wrapping the latex code inside a html tag will stop the Markdown engine from processing the text, eliminating the need for extra escaping.
This is a $\TeX$ example.
$$ 1 + 1 = 2 $$
Equivalent to:
This is a \\\( \TeX \\\) example.
\\\[ 1 + 1 = 2 \\\]
Alternatively, write
This is a \( \TeX \) example.
\[ 1 + 1 = 2 \]
This is a dollar sign \\$.
<p>This is also a dollar sign \$.</p>
Optionally pass in an options object as the second argument to addPlugin to further customize this plugin.
For example, to use the CommonHTML output format instead of SVG:
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(mathjaxPlugin, {
output: "chtml",
chtml: {
Output format for math equations. Supports "svg"
and "chtml"
. Defaults to "svg"
Options for MathJaX's TeX input processor.
Defaults to:
packages: /* all packages */,
inlineMath: [
["$", "$"],
["\\(", "\\)"],
See here for full options.
Options for MathJaX's SVG output processor.
Defaults to:
fontCache: "global",
See here for full options.
Options for MathJaX's CommonHTML output processor. Defaults to {}
See here for full options.
Options for MathJaX's lite DOM adaptor. Useful for passing size hints to MathJaX, e.g. { fontSize: 18 }
. Defaults to {}
See here for full options.