Spring Fu is an incubator for JaFu (Java DSL) and KoFu (Kotlin DSL) designed to configure Spring Boot explicitly with code in a declarative way with great discoverability thanks to auto-complete. It provides fast startup (40% faster than regular auto-configuration on a minimal Spring MVC app), low memory consumption and is a good fit with GraalVM native thanks to its (almost) reflection-less approach.
If you are interested in running Spring applications (including JaFu and KoFu ones) as GraalVM native images, see the spring-graalvm-native project and its jafu and jafu-webmvc samples.
Spring Fu is not intended to be used in production yet, but rather to incubate and get feedback and contributions from the community in order to hopefully reach a point where it can be integrated as part of Spring Framework and Spring Boot.
In addition to the whole Spring and Reactor teams, special credits to:
Juergen Hoeller for his support on Kotlin and the functional bean registration API
Arjen Poutsma for creating the WebFlux functional API
Thomas Girard for its spring-webflux-kotlin-dsl experiment that initially demonstrated this approach was possible
Konrad Kaminski for his awesome spring-kotlin-coroutine project
Dave Syer for his work on benchmarks, GraalVM support and functional bean registration applied to Boot
The whole Spring Boot team