ERPparam is tool to parameterize neural evoked responses.
Fitting a Single Evoked Response
With an event-related potential (ERP) loaded (with 'time' storing time points, and 'signal' storing the ERP, ERPparam can be used as follows:
# Import the ERPparam object
from ERPparam import ERPparam
# Initialize ERPparam object
params = ERPparam()
# Define time range within which to model the ERP
time_range = [0, 1]
# Model the ERP with ERPparam, and print out a report, signal, time_range) fits the model, plots the original (or rectified) ERP with the associated ERPparam model fit, and prints out the parameters of the model fit.
Example output for the report of a ERPparam fit on an individual ERP:
Defining the model Settings
The settings for the algorithm are:
sets the possible lower- and upper-bounds for the fitted peak widths.max_n_peaks
sets the maximum number of peaks to fit.min_peak_height
sets an absolute limit on the minimum height (above aperiodic) for any extracted peak.peak_threshold
sets a relative threshold above which a peak height must cross to be included in the model.
These settings can be defined when initializing the model, for example:
# Initialize an ERPparam model object with defined settings
params = ERPparam(peak_width_limits=(0.01, 0.5), peak_threshold=2, min_peak_height=0, max_n_peaks=3,)
Fitting a Group of ERPs
Next is an example workflow for fitting a group of ERPs. In this case, 'time' is again a 1D array of time points, and 'signal' is a 2D array of ERPs. We can fit the group of ERPs by doing:
# Initialize a ERPparamGroup object, specifying some parameters
params = ERPparamGroup(peak_width_limits=(0.01, 0.5), peak_threshold=2, min_peak_height=0, max_n_peaks=3)
# Fit ERPparam model across the matrix of ERPs, signals)
# Create and save out a report summarizing the results across the group of ERPs
# Save out ERPparamGroup results for further analysis later'group_results', save_results=True)
Example output from using ERPparamGroup across a group of ERPs: