#####1. Install the dependencies
npm install
#####2. Change your credentials in app.js
var voxrtc_username= 'your_voxbone_webrtc_username';
var voxrtc_secret = 'your_voxbone_webrtc_secret';
#####3. Start the application
npm start
#####4. Access it via http://localhost:3000
#####5. Structure
│ README.md (this exact file)
│ package.json (all the required app dependencies, including voxbone-webrtc-npm for auth key generation)
| app.js (App logic: uses credentials for hashing mechanism and pass generated key to front-end for browser auth.)
| │ www (this is where you can set the port for running the app, default is 3000)
│ index.jade (App front-end, contains webRTC logic and where call settings/config, eg: caller-ID, context-header, etc..)