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Voxbone VoxSMS

The Voxbone VoxSMS module enables you to send/receive SMS and delivery reports from Voxbone numbers.


To install the Voxbone VoxSMS module and its dependencies, simply run the following command:

npm install voxbone-voxsms

How to use

Instantiate the module

  1. Add the dependency to your application

    var Voxbone = require('voxbone-voxsms');
  2. Add your credentials

    var api_login = 'login';
    var api_password = 'password';
  3. Create a new Voxbone object

    var voxbone = new Voxbone({
      apiLogin: api_login,
      apiPassword: api_password

Send an SMS

  1. Add your parameters to send a message

    var from = "+3228080438"; //a Voxbone number enabled for VoxSMS (format: +3200000)
    var to = "3222222222"; //the destination number (format: 3200000)
    var msg = "your message";
    var dr = "none"; //Delivery reports - Accepted values: success, failure, all, none
  2. Generate a fragmentation reference for your sms

    This will be used in case your message is too long.

    var fragref = voxbone.createFragRef();
  3. Send SMS with the parameters configured in step 1 (success/failure callback functions are optional)

    var sms_sent = false;
    var success = false;
    voxbone.sendSMS(number, from_number, msg, fragref, 'all', function(transaction_id) {
        if (frag === null) {
            sms_sent = true;
        success = true;
            console.log("Single SMS sent, transaction ID : "  + transaction_id);
        } else if (frag.frag_num === frag.frag_total) {
            sms_sent = true;
            console.log(frag.frag_num + "/" + frag.frag_total + " SMS sent OK, transaction ID: "  + transaction_id);
        } else {
            console.log(frag.frag_num + "/" + frag.frag_total + " SMS sent OK, transaction ID: "  + transaction_id);
     }, function(statusCode, frag) {
       	    success = false;
       	    if (frag) {
       	        console.log(frag.frag_num + "/" + frag.frag_total + " SMS sent OK, transaction ID: "  + transaction_id);
            } else {
                console.log("SMS failed to be sent, error code : " + statusCode);


Available functions:

  1. Sends an SMS with the parameters configured

    voxbone.sendSMS(to, from, msg, fragref, dr[, successCB, [, failCB]]);
  2. Generates a random fragmentation reference used for long messages

  3. Generates a transaction ID to be sent back with your 200OK response when receiving a message.

  4. Sends a delivery report to Voxbone when your application receives a message


