Developing an EMG system that can understand human hand motions.
Our project focuses on reading Electromyography (EMG) data using sensors. We follow these steps:
- Amplify the EMG signals
- Filter the data
- Perform ADC conversion
- Conduct frequency analysis
- Feed the analyzed data into a ML model to recognize and classify hand motions
Our codebase is organized as follows:
: Contains the machine learning model code/muskel
: Houses the ESP32 package code for reading data, performing windowing, and conducting frequency analysis/EMG-Amplifier
: Contains files for our custom EMG amplifier, built from scratch
cd muskel build flash monitor >> dataset_file.csv
cd ml
python3 # Starts the training run
python3 # Starts the inference
Thanks to upsidedownlabs for sponsoring and supporting our research!
Made with ❤️ by the members of SRA