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Array Utils

Allows constexpr construction by:
Function makeArray() to create array of types with complex constructions.
Function makePairArray() to create mapped arrays.

Allows search:
Functions findByKey(), find() to find pair in array using key.
Function findByValue() to find pair in array using value.

Array based containers:
Classes SmallVector and SmallMap.

Pair array advanteges

  • Zero memory overhead and the same size as std::array
  • Can be stored on static mamory or stack
  • Linear search is ~3x faster than std::maps for small number of elements
  • Doesn't require operator< or hash

Recommended to replace std::map when number of elements is less than 15.
When number of elements is greater than 1000 std::unordered_map is recommended.
More about tests in


Library requires STL with c++17 or greater.
For PlatformIO. Add to platformio.ini:

build_flags =
build_unflags =

For Arduino IDE. At boards package installation folder create platform.local.txt:
