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Add a new kind of columns: checkboxes
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voodoos committed Oct 19, 2024
1 parent 6328298 commit f2888bf
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 23 deletions.
150 changes: 127 additions & 23 deletions vendor/brr_lwd_ui/examples/yjs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,16 +277,38 @@ module S (*Schema*) = struct
let kind = "kind"
let content = "content"

type kind = [ `String | `Bool | `Table ]

let kind_to_string = function
| `String -> "string"
| `Bool -> "bool"
| `Table -> "table"

let kind_of_string = function
| "string" -> `String
| "bool" -> `Bool
| "table" -> `Table
| _ -> assert false

let kind_to_name = function
| `String -> "String"
| `Bool -> "Checkbox"
| `Table -> "Table"

let make kind_ content_ =
let kind_ = kind_to_string kind_ in
let v = Map.make () in
Yjs.Doc.transact yjs_doc (fun () ->
Map.set v ~key:kind (`Jv (Jv.of_string kind_));
Map.set v ~key:content content_);

module String = struct
let kind_v = "string"
let make value = make kind_v (`Jv (Jv.of_string value))
let make value = make `String (`Jv (Jv.of_string value))

module Bool = struct
let make value = make `Bool (`Jv (Jv.of_bool value))

module Table = struct
Expand All @@ -299,14 +321,15 @@ module S (*Schema*) = struct
let kind = "kind"
let name = "name"

let make name_ =
(* TODO kind *)
let make ~kind:kind_ name_ =
let kind_ = kind_to_string kind_ in
let id_ = new_uuid_v4 () |> Uuidm.to_string in
(* TODO check uniqueness ? *)
let v = Map.make () in
Console.log [ "New column kind:"; kind ];
Yjs.Doc.transact yjs_doc (fun () ->
Map.set v ~key:id (`Jv (Jv.of_string id_));
Map.set v ~key:kind (`Jv (Jv.of_string "string"));
Map.set v ~key:kind (`Jv (Jv.of_string kind_));
Map.set v ~key:name (`Jv (Jv.of_string name_)));
(id_, v)
Expand All @@ -328,7 +351,7 @@ module S (*Schema*) = struct
let rows_ = Array.make () in
Map.set v ~key:columns (`Array columns_);
Map.set v ~key:rows (`Array rows_));
make kind_v (`Map v)
make `Table (`Map v)

Expand All @@ -351,14 +374,19 @@ module S (*Schema*) = struct
[@@warning "-32"]

type column_info = { id : string; kind : string Lwd.t; name : string Lwd.t }
type column_info = {
id : string;
kind : S.Data.kind Lwd.t;
name : string Lwd.t;
[@@warning "-69"]

type cell = { src : Yjs.Map.t; data : data }
and row = { map : Yjs.Map.t; cells : cell Lwd_seq.t Lwd.t } [@@warning "-69"]

and data =
| String of string Lwd.t
| Bool of bool Lwd.t
| Table of {
columns_src : Yjs.Array.t;
rows_src : Yjs.Array.t;
Expand All @@ -382,7 +410,10 @@ let lwd_of_yjs_page =
let lwd_map = lwd_of_yjs_map ~f:(fun ~key:_ v -> v) column_infos in
let kind =
Lwd_map.get_string lwd_map S.Data.Table.Column_info.kind
|> ~f:Option.get
|> ~f:(fun v ->
Console.log [ "GET"; id; v ];
Option.get v)
|> ~f:S.Data.kind_of_string
let name =
Lwd_map.get_string lwd_map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +466,11 @@ let lwd_of_yjs_page =
( (Lwd_map.get item S.Data.content) ~f:(function
| Some (`Jv s) -> Jv.to_string s
| _ -> assert false))
| "bool" ->
( (Lwd_map.get item S.Data.content) ~f:(function
| Some (`Jv s) -> Jv.to_bool s
| _ -> assert false))
| "table" -> (
match Yjs.Map.get ~key:S.Data.content map with
| Some (`Map v) -> lwd_of_table v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,13 +558,36 @@ let render_string_cell ~src (value : string Lwd.t) =
let at = Attrs.O.(v (`P (C "cell"))) in
Elwd.div ~at [ `R value; `R edit_btn; `R edit_overlay ]

let render_bool_cell ~src (value : bool Lwd.t) =
let current_value = Lwd.var false in
let do_if_new new_value f =
if not (Bool.equal new_value @@ Lwd.peek current_value) then f new_value
let value =
let$ s = value in
Lwd.set current_value s;
let open Forms.Field_checkboxes in
let on_change v =
let v = match v with Some _ -> true | None -> false in
do_if_new v (fun value ->
Lwd.set current_value value;
Yjs.Map.set src ~key:S.Data.content (`Jv (Jv.of_bool value)))
(* TODO the whole reactivity scheme here is not very satisfying... *)
let$* value = value in
let field, _value = make_single ~on_change "" "" [] value in
Elwd.div ~at:[] [ `R field ]

let table_data_source source_rows (content : row Indexed_table.t) =
let reduce_row (row : row) =
(fun { src; data } ->
let elt =
match data with
| String value -> render_string_cell ~src value
| Bool value -> render_bool_cell ~src value
| _ -> assert false
Lwd_seq.element elt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,17 +618,34 @@ let new_table_column_form columns rows =
let module Connect_form = struct
open Brr_lwd_ui.Forms.Form

type t = { name : string Field.validation }
type t = {
name : string Field.validation;
kind : S.Data.kind Field.validation;

let default = { name = Empty }
let default = { name = Empty; kind = Empty }

let fields =
(Lwd.pure @@ Field.text_input ~required:true (Some "demo"))
(fun _t v -> { name = v });
(fun t v -> { t with name = v });
(let { Forms.Field_select.field = elt; label = _; value } =
Forms.Field_select.make ~persist:false
{ name = "kind"; default = "string"; label = [] }
@@ Lwd_seq.of_list
[ ("string", "String"); ("bool", "Checkbox") ])
Lwd.pure { Field.elt; value; validate = (fun v -> Ok v) })
(fun t kind ->
let kind =
Forms.Field.map_validation ~f:S.Data.kind_of_string kind
{ t with kind });
field (Lwd.pure @@ Field.submit (`P "Add column")) (fun t _v -> t);
end in
Expand All @@ -579,15 +655,21 @@ let new_table_column_form columns rows =
Console.log [ "Form submitted:"; t ];
match t with
(* FIXME: validation already happened, it's redundant to have to match *)
| { name = Ok name } ->
| { name = Ok name; kind = Ok kind } ->
Console.log [ "Form valid:"; name ];
Yjs.Doc.transact yjs_doc (fun () ->
let key, column_info = S.Data.Table.Column_info.make name in
let key, column_info = S.Data.Table.Column_info.make ~kind name in
let new_cell =
match kind with
| `String -> fun () -> S.Data.String.make ""
| `Bool -> fun () -> S.Data.Bool.make false
| _ -> assert false
~f:(fun ~index:_ row _ ->
match row with
| `Map row ->
let cell = S.Data.String.make "" in
let cell = new_cell () in
Yjs.Map.set row ~key (`Map cell)
| _ -> assert false)
Expand All @@ -600,19 +682,38 @@ let new_table_row_form (columns : column_info Indexed_table.t) rows =
let module Row_form = struct
open Brr_lwd_ui.Forms.Form

type t = string Field.validation Map.t
type t = [ `String of string | `Bool of bool ] Field.validation Map.t

let default = Map.empty

let fields =
(fun _ { id; kind = _; name } ->
( name ~f:(fun name ->
Field.text_input ~placeholder:name ~required:true None))
(fun t v ->
Console.log [ "Add map with id "; id ];
Map.add id v t)
(fun _ { id; kind; name } ->
(let$* kind = kind in
match kind with
| `String ->
( name ~f:(fun name ->
Field.text_input ~placeholder:name ~required:true None))
(fun t v ->
Console.log [ "Add map with id "; id ];
let v = Field.map_validation ~f:(fun v -> `String v) v in
Map.add id v t)
| `Bool ->
( name ~f:(fun _name ->
let elt, value =
Forms.Field_checkboxes.make_single "" "" [] false
{ Field.elt; value; validate = (fun v -> Ok v) }))
(fun t v ->
let v =
~f:(function Some _ -> `Bool true | _ -> `Bool false)
Map.add id v t)
| _ -> assert false)
|> Lwd_seq.element)
Lwd_seq.monoid columns.table
|> ~f:(fun seq ->
Expand All @@ -626,7 +727,10 @@ let new_table_row_form (columns : column_info Indexed_table.t) rows =
(fun key v acc ->
match v with
| Field.Ok v -> (key, S.Data.String.make v) :: acc
| Field.Ok (`String v) -> (key, S.Data.String.make v) :: acc
| Field.Ok (`Bool v) ->
Console.log [ "New row cell: "; Jv.of_bool v ];
(key, S.Data.Bool.make v) :: acc
| _ -> assert false)
t []
|> S.Data.Table.Row.make
Expand Down

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