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Annotation of repeats in Oxford Nanopore reads

Paper: Genome-wide characterization of satellite DNA arrays in a complex plant genome using nanopore reads (In preparation)

Authors(paper): Tihana Vondrak, Laura Ávila Robledillo, Petr Novák, Andrea Koblížková, Pavel Neumann and Jiří Macas


The text includes scripts and instruction how to annotate Oxford Nanopore reads based on the reference libraries of repetitive sequences, calculation of neighborhood density profiles and periodicity analysis using fast Fourier transform and autocorrelation.

Analysis strategy

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the analysis strategy. (A) Nanopore read (gray bar) containing arrays of satellites A (orange) and B (green). The orientations of the arrays with respect to sequences in the reference database are indicated. (B) LASTZ search against the reference database results in similarity hits (displayed as arrows showing their orientation, with colors distinguishing satellite sequences) that are quality-filtered to remove non-specific hits (C). The filtered hits are used to identify the satellite arrays as regions of specified minimal length that are covered by overlapping hits to the same repeat (D). The positions of these regions are recorded in the form of coded reads where the sequences are replaced by satellite codes and array orientations are distinguished using uppercase and lowercase characters (E). The coded reads are then used for various downstream analyses. (F) Array lengths are extracted and analyzed regardless of orientation of the arrays but while distinguishing the complete and truncated arrays (here it is shown for satellite A). (G) Analysis of the sequences adjacent to the satellite arrays includes 10 kb regions upstream (-) and downstream (+) of the array. This analysis is performed with respect to the array orientation (compare the positions of upstream and downstream regions for arrays in forward (A1, A3) versus reverse orientation (A2)).

Annotation of satellite repeats

The goal of this workflow is to characterize genomic organization of satellite repeat arrays by analyzing their sequences in ultra-long nanopore reads. The satellite arrays are identified in the reads using similarity searches against a library of reference sequences. Information about positions and orientations of the identified arrays in individual nanopore reads is stored as sequences of characters in corresponding coded reads. The coded reads are then used for downsteam analyses.

The workflow consists of three main steps:

  • Similarity search against reference library of satellite repeats using LASTZ program
  • Parsing similarity hits to coded reads
  • Analysis of satellite arrays characteristics.

Running the LASTZ similarity search

The first step in the pipline is to run the LASTZ program and filter similarity hits. For that a fasta file with Nanopore reads and a file with reference sequences is needed.

The example of input data:

Nanopore reads: /testing_data/sample_nanopore_reads

The reference sequences: /testing_data/reference_database_satellite_and_retrotransposons

The LASTZ tabular output is first filtered of comment lines which begin with a '#' and sorted based on Nanopore read name. The filtered output is then passed to a python script which filters the output based on a minimum bitscore value and maximum length of hit.(Fig 1A-C)

The LASTZ command and filtering:

lastz testing_data/sample_nanopore_reads[multiple,unmask] testing_data/reference_database_satellite_and_retrotransposons \
      --format=general:name1,size1,start1,length1,strand1,name2,size2,start2,length2,strand2,identity,score \
      --ambiguous=iupac --xdrop=10 --hspthresh=1000 | grep -v "#" | sort -k1 | python_scripts/ \
      -b 7000 -x 1.23 > lastz_out
  • -b minimum bit score value used for filtering (in this case the optimised value is 7000)
  • -x maximum length of hit comparing to the length of the reference (in this case the optimised value of the length is no longer than 23% longer than the reference)

Parsing similarity search to coded reads

The LASTZ output is then parsed to create coded reads (Fig1.D-E).

The coding table is used to assign codes to individual similarity hits based on the type of the repeat, orientation, minimum length and priority.

Example of coding table format:

repeat name orientation code minimum length priority
LasTR3 F O 300 3
LasTR3 R o 300 3
LasTR4 F P 300 3
LasTR4 R p 300 3
LTR_Copia_other F W 300 2
LTR_Copia_other R W 300 2
LTR_gypsy_Athila F Q 300 2
LTR_gypsy_Athila R Q 300 2

The repeat name in the coding table must correspond to the ID used in reference sequence database followed by double underscore. For example fasta sequence name >LasTR3__11_9_sc_0.503375_l_49 corresponds to the repeat name LasTR3.

For satellites and other tandem repeats, forward and reverse orientation of is distinguished using upper and lower case codes. In case of other repeats, orientation is not recorded and thus codes are only uppercase. The regions of similarity hits which are shorter than the minimum length are filtered out. When similarity hits to different type of repeats are detected on the same region of the read, the code with the higher priority (i.e. higher numerical value ) is recorded. On the other hand, if overlapping similarity hits to different repeat has the same priority, such regions are assigned a conflict code X.

The LASTZ output is parsed with the command:

cat  lastz_out | /python_scripts/ -c /testing_data/reference_database_satellite_and_retrotransposons.coding_table > coded_out

Analysis of repeat characteristics

In these steps, coded reads are analyzed to quantify occurences of satellite arrays in the reads, arrays length distribution and association (co-occurence) of individual repeat types (Fig.1F-G).

Array lengths summary

The array lenghts are analysed in coded reads using command:

python_scripts/ -i coded_out -s 100 -c /testing_data/reference_database_satellite_and_retrotransposons.coding_table -o coded_length_table
  • -i coded reads as multifasta file produced by the previous step
  • -s the first n number of bases which will create a boundary for classifying arrays as either intact or truncated
  • -c the coding table used for read coding
  • -o output file name

Output coded_length_table provides information about all repeat regions identified in the reads. It contains five columns: the repeat name, the array length, encoding, read length and a column which indicates whether the array is intact or truncated.

Example of length table:

array name the array length code read length intact/truncated
LTR_gypsy_Ogre 6172 Y 40976 T
LasTR5 299 R 42386 I

Array length distribution

In order to characterize the length distributions of arrays of satellite groups throughout the genome, the lengths of arrays were binned and summed using command:

/python_scripts/ -i coded_length_table -n 24 -s 5000 -o cumulative_binning_table
  • -i length table created in the previous step
  • -n number of bins
  • -s bin size
  • -o output file name of the binning data

Output cummulative_bining_table contains four columns: summed lengths for intact arrays, summed length for truncated arrays and two more columns for the frequncy of occurence for intact and truncated arrays within each bin. Each row represents one bin. Each repeat has it's own cumulative length table.

Example of binned table:

sum of length (Intact) sum of length (Truncated) frequency(intact) frequency(truncated)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
13478 13085 1 1

Neighborhood density profiles

This si to quantify and visualize the association of different families of satellites and mobile elements in the genome:

/python_scripts/ -r coded_out -w 10000 -s 100 -c /testing_data/reference_database_satellite_and_retrotransposons.coding_table -o coded_neighborhood_profile
  • -r input file with coded reads
  • -w window size
  • -s the first n number of bases from which the incrementation will start
  • -c coding table file
  • -o output file name (pdf format)

The output coded_neighborhood_profile table provides a density profile left and right of each array of a satellite group. The window size of the profile can be changed but in this case the window size is 10 kb. Each repeat has it's own output. The columns in the table match the positions within the windows left and right, while the rows correspond to different repeats. Furthermore a base count table for each repeat is made. It is a profile of all the bases counted in the left and right windows.

Alternative annotation of repeats using protein domains

Alternative annotation of repeats uses reference DNA sequences only for annotation of satellites while mobile elements are annotated based on the similarity to conserved protein domains using DANTE tool. Both annotations are then combined together.

Annotation of satellites using LASTZ similarity search

A search is performed against library reference satellited sequences:

Example input data:

The Nanopore reads: testing_data_protein_domains/sample_nanopore_reads

The reference sequences: testing_data_protein_domains/reference_database_satellites

The LASTZ output is filtered in the same way as previously described.

lastz testing_data_protein_domains/sample_nanopore_reads[multiple,unmask] \
      testing_data_protein_domains/reference_database_satellites \
      --format=general:name1,size1,start1,length1,strand1,name2,size2,start2,length2,strand2,identity,score \
      --ambiguous=iupac --xdrop=10 --hspthresh=1000 | grep -v "#" | sort -k1 | \
    /python_scripts/ -b 7000 -x 1.23 > lastz_out

Annotation of mobile element using DANTE

Detection of the retrotransposon protein coding domains in the read sequences was performed using DANTE, which is a bioinformatics tool available on the RepeatExplorer server ( DANTE performs repeat annotation based on the similarity searches against the REXdb protein database (⁠. The hits were filtered to pass the following cutoff parameters: minimum identity = 0.3, min. similarity = 0.4, min. alignment length = 0.7, max. interruptions (frameshifts or stop codons) = 10, max. length proportion = 1.2, and protein domain type = ALL. Annotation obtained from DANTE program in gff3 format were then used for further processing. Example of DANTE output is in file testing_data_protein_domains/gff_sample

Parsing annotations to coded reads

Annotation of satellites and mobile element protein domains are combined in two steps. First step creates coded reads based on the satellite annotation only:

cat  lastz_out | python_scripts/ \
    -c testing_data_protein_domains/reference_database_satellites.coding_table > coded_out

The second step adds annotation of protein domains to previously satellite coded reads:

/python_scripts/ -i coded_out \
  -c /testing_data_protein_domains/reference_database_Ogre_domains.coding_table -g  > coded_ogre_domains
  • -i input file with previousle coded reads
  • -c coding table specific for protein domain
  • -g gff file with protein domains annotation

The coding table specific for protein domains contains information about domain classification and type(according REXdb classification). The example of coding table for protein domain can be found in file reference_database_satellites_and_Ogre_domains.coding_table

Neighborhood density profiles

The neighborhood profiles of the satellites are evaluated as described above with some modification - the coding table used for the analysis is a file concatenated from satellite coding table and domains coding table.

/python_scripts/ -r coded_ogre_domains -w 10000 \
   -c /testing_data_protein_domains/reference_database_satellites_and_Ogre_domains.coding_table \
   -s 100 -o coded_neighborhood_profiles
  • -r file with coded reads
  • -w the size of the window
  • -s the first n number of bases from which the incrementation will start
  • -c coding table
  • -o name of the pdf output file

Periodicity analysis

Periodicity analysis is performed on sequences in a fasta file. Each sequence in fasta file must contain an array of single satellite type. For analysis, only arrays with length over 30kb were used. Non satellite sequences were trimmed off.


R_scripts/get_periodicity_spectra.R  *.fasta

Output is writtent into files *.fasta_periodicity_fft.RDS and *.fasta_periodicity_acf.RDS which contain periodicity spectra calculated by fast Fourier transform and by autocorelation respectively. Each output file represent an R object which contains periodicity spectra for every analyzed satellite array in form of a list.


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