developed for inclab
First, one should create a mumax folder somewhere on /work/. (use cdw to move to /work/).
Perform module load git
and git clone [link to this git repo]
to pull these files into your directory. This link can be pulled from the green button at the top right of the git page.
- If using zip file:
To extract, type
unzip [filename]
. - If using git:
- module load git -> git clone [https://etc etc.git]
- perform
cd install-mumax3-tacc
- To install, one should type (exactly)
. ./
- There should be little else that needs to be done. This will download and extract a precompiled binary, and set up the environment to run the scripts.
- This will also add the necessary paths to your .bashrc file automatically.
- EDIT THE EMAIL in the .sl script if you care to recieve notifications about your simulation. For example, I would set mine to =[email protected]
A wrapper script will handle the actual slurm sbatch [slurm script]
calls, prepare to copy to /scratch/, can provide documentation, and will name/date your simulations.
After running on /scratch/, your simulations will be copied back to /work/.../outputs/. to use, type
bash [name of slurm script you want to call] [filename of mumax3 file]
The slurm scripts end in a .sl suffix, and can be created with the particular parameters you need (compute time, nodes, tasks, etc). Please change the email.
Please change the email.
A general purpose
sbatch script is provided.
The systems you want to simulate might be created in new folders in /systems/. A template system is provided. Might change it for your needs.
I have included one of my general-purpose plotting scripts. This will plot the first column of data against the second column of data, and can be modified.
Call it with bash
. This could be used for plotting B vs H hysteresis loops, though I am unfamiliar with the exact output format of mumax3 simulations. May need to module load python or module load matplotlib, also it is a very old and ugly script and may need tweaking to run here.
If you need any help with the install script, either I or Can can be reached