View all of my Projectworks - click over here -> Vivek Vellaiyappan Project Works
Project Working Demo Video:
Documentation: Link
- Kindly view the above documentation link to review all of the works I have done for this particular project that involves
- designing the database
- how i modularized the codes by blocks
- architecture diagrams (ER diagram, Block Diagram)
- db commands used (DDL, DML) - triggers usage
- To track and manage the income and expense transaction of a person
- Java
- MySql (via JAVA JDBC Connectivity)
- Create an User Account
- Enter Income or Expense Information
- View Income or Expense or Net Balance Summary Information
- Efficience & Importance of DataBase Designing
- DML, DDL, Triggers and Variables
- Normalization & Bridge/Junction
- How to avoid data redundancy and mantain data integrity
- Entity Relationship Diagram
- OOPS concepts
- Modularity of the code blocks which enabled to understand the value of code reusability
- JDBC stuffs
- Connection Establishing, Statement Creation, ResultSet retrival
- How to export and execute a runnable Jar file
- How to clear previous output in the windows console
- How to send email using javax.jar file
- Little tweaks
- Moving to better GUI