This is a personal home automation app developed using Flutter and Blynk API. The app allows the user to control an LED connected to an ESP8266 board. 🌟 The ESP8266 firmware code is stored in a separate repository, and the user can connect their lights, TV, plugs, and other devices to the ESP8266 to control them through the app.
This project can be upscaled to control all home appliances, making it an excellent solution for home automation. 🔑 The app's source code is available on GitHub, and users can modify it to suit their specific needs.
🔸 Clone the repository
🔸 Install Flutter
🔸 Connect the ESP8266 board to your Wi-Fi network and upload the firmware code
🔸 Update the Blynk API token in the app code
🔸 Run the app on your device
Contributions are welcome 🎉. Please create a new branch, make changes, and submit a pull request. We appreciate your contributions.
This project is for personal home automation purposes only. We are not responsible for any damage caused by using this app or modifying the ESP8266 firmware code. Use it at your own risk.
Copyright © 2021-present VivekS.