Support of multipart/form-data requests is a relatively new feature for AWS, data from a form post shows through as event-body and while most server side frameworks have ready parsers for form data from requests, in a lambda function there may be a need to parse the event.body property manually.
This package is a fork from myshenin/aws-lambda-multipart-parser as I found that the provided API did not work for data with binary file form data, and the parent didn't seem to be intensively maintained in the last few months, I've made minor API changes according to my needs and added types & documentation to make usage clearer for serverless users/typescript callers.
- Enable binary data types on your API gateway, and add
to the content-types list. If using serverless (recommended), use the plugin serverless-apigw-binary and modify your serverless.yml file accordingly
- serverless-apigw-binary
- 'multipart/form-data'
- Now in your lambda function body
import { parse } from 'aws-multipart-parser'
// ...
exports.myHandler = function(event, context, callback) {
const formData = parse(event, true);
// do stuff
callback(null, "some success message");