A non-hacky Windows distribution of bitsandbytes
. Inspired by ShanGor/bitsandbytes-windows
, updated for bitsandbytes
0.40.0-post4 with 4-bit inference, and less hacky specifically in the CUDA loading parts.
For most purposes, you should probably just use WSL 2, but this package is intended for usage in memory-constrained environments where WSL taking an extra few GB of RAM on top of whatever absurd amount CUDA itself allocates is undesirable.
Currently we only distribute prebuilt binaries for CUDA 11.8. If you have CUDA 11.8, great! Head over to Releases
to pick up our prebuilt wheel.
Otherwise, head to Building below.
You need your choice of CUDA Toolkit > 11 and Visual Studio Community/Build Tools 2022.
In PowerShell:
mkdir dependencies
cd dependencies
# use wget if you have that (choco install wget) or just download it manually
wget https://github.com/GerHobbelt/pthread-win32/archive/refs/tags/version-3.1.0-release.zip
expand-archive version-3.1.0-release.zip .
rm version-3.1.0-release.zip
mv pthread-win32-version-3.1.0-release pthread-win32
In x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 (aka hell):
# configure these accordingly
set WINBNB=E:\Dev\winbnb # winbnb clone path
set PYTHON_HOME=C:\Python3.10
set CUDA_HOME=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.8\bin
set CUDA_VERSION=118 # e.g. 11.8 = 118, 12.0 = 120
set LIB=%LIB%;%CUDA_HOME%/lib/x64;%PYTHON_HOME%/lib;%WINBNB%/dependencies/pthread-win32
cd %WINBNB%\dependencies\pthread-win32
nmake VC-static
mkdir build
nvcc -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 -gencode arch=compute_89,code=sm_89 -gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 -Xcompiler /DYNAMICBASE --use_fast_math -Xptxas=-v -dc %WINBNB%/csrc/ops.cu %WINBNB%/csrc/kernels.cu -I %CUDA_HOME%/include -I %WINBNB%/csrc -I %PYTHON_HOME%/include -I %WINBNB%/include -I %WINBNB%/dependencies/pthread-win32 -L %CUDA_HOME%/lib/x64 -lcudart -lcublas -lcublasLt -lcusparse -lpthreadVC3 -L %PYTHON_HOME%/lib -L %WINBNB%/dependencies/pthread-win32 --output-directory %WINBNB%/build
nvcc -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 -gencode arch=compute_89,code=sm_89 -gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 -Xcompiler /DYNAMICBASE -dlink %WINBNB%/build/ops.obj %WINBNB%/build/kernels.obj -o %WINBNB%/build/link.obj
cl /EHsc /DBUILD_CUDA=1 /std:c++14 /LD /I %CUDA_HOME%/include /I %WINBNB%/csrc /I %PYTHON_HOME%/include /I %WINBNB%/include /I %WINBNB%/dependencies/pthread-win32 %WINBNB%/build/kernels.obj %WINBNB%/build/ops.obj %WINBNB%/build/link.obj ./csrc/common.cpp ./csrc/cpu_ops.cpp ./csrc/pythonInterface.cpp libpthreadVC3.lib cudart.lib cublas.lib cublasLt.lib cusparse.lib /link /out:./bitsandbytes/bitsandbytes_cuda%CUDA_VERSION%.dll