Hi there, my name is Vitor Almeida, living in Goiânia, GO, Brazil. I've been working with software quality process for more than five years and nowadays I'm placed as Quality Assurance Engineer on a fintech called Tilix Digital by PagSeguro.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Argyle team.
- 🌱 I’m very used to Automated Software Testing tools like Postman, Appium and Cypress framework along with and some web development skill with NodeJS, React.js, Ruby and Python.
- 👯 I’m always looking to collaborate and share knowledge with the team
- 🤔 Constantly need for help with different ways to improve my apprenticeship to software development
- 💬 Ask me about QA, web development, software testing frameworks and tools
- 📫 How to reach me: 📧 vitoralmeidapires@gmaillcom / 📱 +5562994862553
- ⚡ Fun fact: Enjoying a nice bike riding is my secret for keeping up with my mind focused on my self evolution