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Change the vindex type used for those columns in related vschema definitions from hash to xxhash #27278

Change the vindex type used for those columns in related vschema definitions from hash to xxhash

Change the vindex type used for those columns in related vschema definitions from hash to xxhash #27278

name: Query Serving (Schema) Next Release - Upgrade Downgrade Testing
group: format('{0}-{1}', ${{ github.ref }}, 'Upgrade Downgrade Testing Query Serving (Schema) Next Release')
cancel-in-progress: true
permissions: read-all
# This test ensures that our end-to-end tests work using Vitess components
# (vtgate, vttablet, etc) built on different versions.
name: Run Upgrade Downgrade Test - Query Serving (Schema) Next Release
runs-on: gh-hosted-runners-16cores-1-24.04
- name: Skip CI
run: |
if [[ "${{contains( github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Skip CI')}}" == "true" ]]; then
echo "skipping CI due to the 'Skip CI' label"
exit 1
- name: Check out commit's code
uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set output with latest release branch
id: output-next-release-ref
run: |
next_release_ref=$(./tools/ ${{github.base_ref}} ${{github.ref}})
echo $next_release_ref
echo "next_release_ref=${next_release_ref}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Check if workflow needs to be skipped
id: skip-workflow
run: |
if [[ "${{github.event.pull_request}}" == "" ]] && [[ "${{github.ref}}" != "refs/heads/main" ]] && [[ ! "${{github.ref}}" =~ ^refs/heads/release-[0-9]+\.[0-9]$ ]] && [[ ! "${{github.ref}}" =~ "refs/tags/.*" ]]; then
if [[ "${{steps.output-next-release-ref.outputs.next_release_ref}}" == "" ]]; then
echo Skip ${skip}
echo "skip-workflow=${skip}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Check for changes in relevant files
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false'
uses: dorny/paths-filter@ebc4d7e9ebcb0b1eb21480bb8f43113e996ac77a # v3.0.1
id: changes
token: ''
filters: |
- 'go/**'
- 'go/**/*.go'
- 'test.go'
- 'Makefile'
- 'build.env'
- 'go.sum'
- 'go.mod'
- 'proto/*.proto'
- 'tools/**'
- 'config/**'
- ''
- '.github/workflows/upgrade_downgrade_test_query_serving_schema_next_release.yml'
- name: Set up Go
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
uses: actions/setup-go@0a12ed9d6a96ab950c8f026ed9f722fe0da7ef32 # v5.0.2
go-version-file: go.mod
- name: Set up python
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
uses: actions/setup-python@39cd14951b08e74b54015e9e001cdefcf80e669f # v5.1.1
- name: Tune the OS
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="22768 65535"
- name: Get base dependencies
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get update
# Uninstall any nextly installed MySQL first
sudo systemctl stop apparmor
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get remove -y --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
sudo apt-get -y autoclean
sudo deluser mysql
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql
# Install mysql80
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys A8D3785C
wget -c
echo mysql-apt-config mysql-apt-config/select-server select mysql-8.0 | sudo debconf-set-selections
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" dpkg -i mysql-apt-config*
sudo apt-get update
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y mysql-server mysql-client
# Install everything else we need, and configure
sudo apt-get install -y make unzip g++ etcd-client etcd-server curl git wget eatmydata
sudo service mysql stop
sudo service etcd stop
sudo bash -c "echo '/usr/sbin/mysqld { }' > /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld" #
sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld || echo "could not remove mysqld profile"
# install JUnit report formatter
go install
# Checkout to the next release of Vitess
- name: Check out other version's code (${{ steps.output-next-release-ref.outputs.next_release_ref }})
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
ref: ${{ steps.output-next-release-ref.outputs.next_release_ref }}
- name: Get dependencies for the next release
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
go mod download
- name: Building next release's binaries
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 10
run: |
source build.env
mkdir -p /tmp/vitess-build-other/
cp -R bin /tmp/vitess-build-other/
rm -Rf bin/*
# Checkout to this build's commit
- name: Check out commit's code
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
- name: Get dependencies for this commit
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
go mod download
- name: Building the binaries for this commit
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 10
run: |
source build.env
mkdir -p /tmp/vitess-build-current/
cp -R bin /tmp/vitess-build-current/
- name: Convert ErrorContains checks to Error checks
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
find ./go/test/endtoend -name '*.go' -exec sed -i 's/ErrorContains/Error/g' {} +
find ./go/test/endtoend -name '*.go' -exec sed -i 's/EqualError/Error/g' {} +
# Swap the binaries in the bin. Use vtgate version n+1 and keep vttablet at version n
- name: Use next release's VTGate
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
source build.env
rm -f $PWD/bin/vtgate
cp /tmp/vitess-build-other/bin/vtgate $PWD/bin/vtgate
vtgate --version
# Running a test with vtgate at version n+1 and vttablet at version n
- name: Run query serving tests (vtgate=N+1, vttablet=N)
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
rm -rf /tmp/vtdataroot
mkdir -p /tmp/vtdataroot
source build.env
eatmydata -- go run test.go -skip-build -keep-data=false -docker=false -print-log -follow -tag upgrade_downgrade_query_serving_schema
# Swap the binaries again. This time, vtgate will be at version n, and vttablet will be at version n+1
- name: Use current version VTGate, and other version VTTablet
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
source build.env
rm -f $PWD/bin/vtgate $PWD/bin/vttablet $PWD/bin/mysqlctl $PWD/bin/mysqlctld
cp /tmp/vitess-build-current/bin/vtgate $PWD/bin/vtgate
cp /tmp/vitess-build-other/bin/vttablet $PWD/bin/vttablet
cp /tmp/vitess-build-other/bin/mysqlctl $PWD/bin/mysqlctl
cp /tmp/vitess-build-other/bin/mysqlctld $PWD/bin/mysqlctld
vtgate --version
vttablet --version
# Running a test with vtgate at version n and vttablet at version n+1
- name: Run query serving tests (vtgate=N, vttablet=N+1)
if: steps.skip-workflow.outputs.skip-workflow == 'false' && steps.changes.outputs.end_to_end == 'true'
run: |
rm -rf /tmp/vtdataroot
mkdir -p /tmp/vtdataroot
source build.env
eatmydata -- go run test.go -skip-build -keep-data=false -docker=false -print-log -follow -tag upgrade_downgrade_query_serving_schema