jQuery, NodeJS, ... eventmanager This library is not absolutely independent on any framework
$.EventManager.attach(string EventId, object);
=> example
$.EventManager.attach('test', {
callback: function(callbackparam){
//callback body
once: true, //default false
singleton: true, //default false
tag: ['Tag1'], //default []
priority: 1000, //default 1
stop_propagation: false //default false
callback: Function which is called when event is fired.
once: Callback is fired only once a then is removed.
singleton: Event listener with this function can be attached only once. Restriction against duplicate
tag: Tags for multiple removing listeners by tags.
priority: Priority of listener. We can prioritize one listener over another.
stop_propagation: Prevent from executing next listeners for this EventId.
#Back compatibility: attach(event, callback, once = false, tag = [], priority = undefined, singleton = false)
$.EventManager.trigger(string EventId [, mixed callbackparam1 [, mixed callbackparam2] ... ]);
=> example
$.EventManager.trigger('test', {id: 'It works!'});
Advanced dynamic triggering
function a(arg1, arg2, arg3){
console.log(arg1 + arg2 + arg3);
$.EventManager.attach('test', a);
$.EventManager.trigger('test', 'Hello', ' world', '!');
$.EventManager.detachByTag(string Tag);
$.EventManager.detachByTags(array Tags);
=> example
$.EventManager.detachByTags(['Group1', 'Group2']);
You can detach all once triggable events with or without regex (matching EventId)
$.EventManager.detachAllOnceByTag(string Tag);
$.EventManager.detachAllOnceByTags(array Tag);
$.EventManager.detachAllOnce([, RegExpression]);
=> example
$.EventManager.detachAllOnceByTags(['Group1', 'Group2']);