In an era dominated by online interactions, our digital identities are at the forefront of our concerns. The constant fear of data breaches and unauthorized access to personal information has underscored the vulnerabilities inherent in traditional digital identity systems. The need for a secure and user-centric solution has never been more pressing.
Our project aims to address the vulnerabilities in traditional digital identity systems by leveraging Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), and the Polygon ID platform. This initiative is driven by the urgent need for a more secure and user-centric approach to digital identity in the face of increasing cyber threats and data breaches.
The application issues four verifiable credentials using the Polygon ID issuer node:
National ID Card:
- Required by the employer to issue employee salary credentials & laboratory to issue lab reports.
Employee Schema:
- Required by the insurance company to issue insurance credentials.
Lab Schema:
- Required by the insurance company to issue insurance credentials.
Insurance Schema:
- Issued after verifying both employee and lab verifiable credentials.
To successfully run this project, ensure you have the following:
- Polygon ID: Download the Polygon ID Wallet App and create an Identity: Polygon ID on Google Play or on App Store
- Change the Default network to Polygon Mumbai
- Make sure you have enabled notifications for this app(if explicitly denied on your phone)
- NGROK: For NGROK setup instructions, refer to
- RPC_URL: To obtain the RPC_URL from Alchemy, follow the steps in
- Docker or Node.js: To run the application locally on your system, you can either run using
or by starting the project locally usingnode.js
Run Ngrok to expose your local port
ngrok http 4007
- Keep this terminal process running
Clone the repository:
- Open a second Terminal
git clone cd ethindia-ssi/
Copy .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
Update the
file as below:RPC_URL_MUMBAI=<Your RPC Url> NGROK_URL=<Ngrok URL of you static domain>
- Example:
Run the Application using Docker
docker compose up --build
Access the Application on port 8000:
To Stop the Application
Press Ctrl+C on the Terminal to stop the containers, and run the below command to remove the containers.
docker compose down
Change Directory:
cd backend
Copy .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
Set the required environment variables in .env:
RPC_URL_MUMBAI=<Your RPC Url> NGROK_URL=<Ngrok URL of you static domain>
- Example:
Install packages:
npm install
Run the backend application:
npm run start
Open new terminal in cloned repo:
cd frontend/
Copy .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
Install dependencies:
npm ci --legacy-peer-deps
Start the project on localhost:5173:
npm run dev
Access the frontend on port 5173:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.