Resolved bug in the effect mouse Hover, now is possible used the effect mouse over in the button in two mode,
1 mode
//Setting default
JButton testButtonHoverOne = new JButton("Fly over me One");
becouse used a setting in UIDefault
table.put("Button.mouseHoverColor", MaterialColors.GRAY_500);
table.put("Button.mouseHoverEnable", true);
But change background with a button.setBackgroung(Color), the effect is run correctly in this mode
2 mode
JButton testButtonHoverTwo = new JButton("Fly over me Two");
testButtonHoverTwo.addMouseListener(MaterialUiMovement.getMovement(testButtonHoverTwo, MaterialColors.LIGHT_BLUE_200));
Another news in this version is the support of change cursor mouse when the mouse is on the component
Bug fix
- Null pointer on the windows 10 load font :)
- Effect Mouse hover reproduced when a button is disabled (now not reproduced)
- #66
- #65
- #64
- Now the jar weighs half :)
new skill
- Mouse over on JMenu and row on TabbedPane
- Added support JFormattedTextFieldUI
- Added support OptionPaneUI and change icon, the constant UIDefault are
- "OptionPaneUI.warningIcon"
- "OptionPaneUI.errorIcon"
- "OptionPaneUI.questionIcon"
- "OptionPaneUI.informationIcon" - Font OSX native -> SanFrancisco
- Reint Noto font for language not supported (fase testing)
- init refactoring Jtree