Title: Technology framework for learning thinking skills in history
This project is based on the thinking skills in history documented at http://www.nchs.ucla.edu/history-standards/historical-thinking-standards
To run the Qt project, install QtCreator from http://qt-project.org/downloads and open the .qmlproject file using QtCreator. Run the project using the RUN button on QtCreator.
==Timelines== -- Mutiple timelines -- Timelines with start date and end date -- Timelines with start date and time period -- Timelines with time period and end date -- Date validations have not been refined -- Start date HAS to be LESSER THAN end date
==Events== -- Create multiple events on the same timeline
==People== -- Add multiple people to an event -- People can be linked to other people only via an event
==Links== -- Events are linked to the timeline -- Events can be linked to other events
==Properties== -- Both People and Events have property boxes where data may be stored