MNCH-Hotline is a maternal and neonatal child Hotline System. It is a web based application written on Ruby on Rails framework. It runs on top of OpenMRS data model (c.f. and
In order to setup the system, do the following:
Clone it (or download a tar-ball) from github:
git clone git://
Create a database:
mysqladmin -u root -p create mnch_hotline
Create database.yml (from database.yml.example) and configure it according to your system and database setups.
On the commandline, run the initial_database_setup script from the application's directory:
where ENVIRONMENT corresponds to the one(s) you configured in the database.yml and SITE is the name of the site directory as listed in db/data/. If any of the sites does not suite you, use 'defualts' as site name.
- Run rake db:migrate from the application's directory.
The latest code can be found at:
We would be very glad to get some feedback from you: developers(at)baobabhealth(dot)org (