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Wardrobe Daily Status
Feb Hours: 55.03
5 Feb:
3 hour 04 mins
8:00 8:25
9:57 10:29
11:28 13:35
going through the new design changes
discussing design changes and required details with team
sync code base, db migration
breaking html page into smaller components
html to slim
integrating css
fixing image paths
6 Feb
0 hour 34 mins
9:41 10:15
going through stephan changes
faq page
doubts in top designer page
7 Feb
7 hour 26 mins
8:42 11:40
12:07 13:30
4:12 5:15
5:56 7:06
8:10 9:02
faq has different header
faq page is done
segraged whole css to specific pages
media css are overridden
top designer page
html to slim
integrating css
catalogue arrow broken
refactor js files.. segregated common js files and page specific js file
designers in alphabatical row
checking finer details
some font-size are different, replaced hardcoded urls with path
make carousel scroller circular
anchor click should position alphabet row just below sticky header
review and commit
8 Feb
2 hour 06 mins
9:38 11:05
12:01 12:40
slim docs to indent leading spaces
stephan review suggestions
pluck name, slug from brand object
9 Feb
9:58 10:30
0 hour 32 mins
rails asset pipeline
commit and merge
10 Feb
2 hour 12 mins
4:07 4:42
4:45 5:18
5:29 5:38
6:20 7:15
admin tool for saved searches
existing active admin pages
memeber action, policies
dispay a ‘unown’ button for ‘own’ saved searches
click action to remove user_id
policy permission
11 Feb
2 hour 26 mins
8:43 9:16
9:24 10:25
10:58 11:50
member action to remove user_id
policy to restric action to super_user only
show button in show and index
merge and commit
12 Feb
2 hour 51 mins
2:17 2:27
4:24 4:51
4:55 5:25
6:31 7:01
7:52 8:21
11:20 12:05
going through admin tasks
going through the new backup tasks assigned by stephan
new discount design template
figlet font
going through wishlist worker
email template for wishlist discount
13 Feb
6 hour 49 mins
8:49 9:35
9:43 10:16
10:39 11:42
12:33 1:50
4:45 5:11
8:01 9:20
9:30 10:55
copying new logo2x to aws static bucket
new discount template
html to slim
showing items list
added active admin page for user discount
trouble in saving item_ids for discount: fixed now
stuck with order_item not displayed in user discount associations
seem I mixed up items with order_items :(
fixed order_items
show items in a groupd of 3
CTA button style broken
create text template
14 Feb
5 hour 45 mins
8:38 11:00
11:35 1:00
1:11 2:05
9:41 10:45
Stephan commits
Discussion with stephan on the next tasks
next ticket: don’t mark soiled for some categories e.g. hat, bag
add an exception, barcode not must for some categories.
needs barcode
rails migration script
test cases
stuck with test cases: associated objects (category) of item is not updating.
finally issue is resolved.
15 Feb
2 hour 06 mins
9:35 11:01
12:30 1:10
going through next tickets
analytics on user funnel
going through articles and tools on analytics
16 Feb
1 hour 15 mins
8:35 9:50
discussion on possible ways to track user events
firebase vs facebook analytics vs ahoy
limitation with ahoy.. bloating existing database
17 Feb
2 hour 19 mins
8:28 10:05
10:30 11:12
Next: copy address to order before delivery_pickup
looked the code and possible changes
discussion with stephan on required changes where order address is used
docs on split order states (logical and movement)
review: item split state
18 Feb
3 hour 05 mins
9:30 10:25
10:45 11:01
11:22 11:52
11:59 12:20
12:31 1:34
show “receipt” on orders the way users would see it
attempted to install wardrobe app: got hold of ipad-mini but it can’t be upgraded to ios 10v
rails-side cloudinary
cloudinary to auto upload the modified images
how assests are synced in cloudfront
move from cloudfront → Cloudinary
cloudinary: responsive images
syncup public assets with cloudinary
test responsive page?
mark enhanced_image_tag true
19 Feb:
0 hour 40 mins
8:50 9:30
discussion with stephan on broken tr>tr html tags
book-email to renter is breaking for rounded corner
20 Feb:
4 hour 06 mins
8:32 10:30
11:13 11:56
12:05 12:29
12:44 13:45
new website design
listed down the changes made to the designs
working on new hub page
html → slim
integrating sections one by one
correcting image paths
locating new hub css changes
moving hub related css to separate file
hub page looks good now.
Next: footer page
replace hardcoded urls with url paths
footer page looks good now
Next: home page changes
home pages: replace icons
lend page: modify ‘how it works’
review changes
Next: add rspec tests
26 Feb
3 hour 27 mins
8:38 9:37
11:05 11:25
11:34 12:28
12:31 1:20
3:00 3:25
html syntactical errors
html validation gems
compare different available gems
playing with gem ‘headhunter’
this gem is not active now: https://github.com/jmuheim/headhunter/issues/16
issue: html_validation, giving error file not found.
installed the html tidy → gives too many warnings and errors
latest version of tidy → looks good now, few warnings
27 Feb
4 hour 19 mins
10:01 10:18
11:43 12:30
1:42 2:00
2:16 3:18
7:01 7:50
9:14 10:20
report all errors in web pages
identify easy ones to fix first
if something complex, comment it for later
don’t minify the html in test run
Slim::Engine.set_default_options pretty: true
html_validation expects to work from feature spec only
evaluting gem ‘be_valid_asset’ works from action_controller as well.
Item show page: most of test case failed because item object in test suite has incomplete details
can’t use ‘be_valid_asset’ as it makes external http call to validate the file.
html_validation gem has a bug, raised here: https://github.com/ericbeland/html_validation/issues/16
Stephan, I also evaluated gem ‘be_valid_asset’ but it makes external http call to validate the file, so excluded it.
January Hours: 27.1
7 Jan
1 hour 10 mins
12:10 1:20
going through the new website desing
technical discussionw with stephan
readinig draper library
handle dynamic content in home page
looking at search page template
10 Jan
1 hour 30 mins
6:40 7:20
8:10 9:00
resetting the master repository
quick glance to recent development
fixing ruby version mismatch
db missing role, db migration
environment ready
error with pricing model
problem in merging new css changes with old css.. user and item pages can break.
discussing with Suraj for possible solutions
11 Jan
2 hour 19 mins
6:00 7:05
9:53 10:45
11:03 11:25
going through the new home layout and css changes
thinking over and listing down the possible changes
Get the app background
hubs top extra space
items page has same color footer as body
Browse link, Partners link ?
replace footer and css: make sure other pages are working fine
replace header of home page
replace body
replace partials
load top items and top users, add caching
move js to separate files
add index on followers_count
helper method (user avatar) with prensentation ruby gem
12 Jan
6 hour 14 mins
9:51 11:30
11:54 12:30
2:50 3:20
4:36 4:50
5:01 5:35
5:50 7:20
10:01 10:33
10:44 11:23
html to slim
added header and sections
issue with owl-carousel items, seems js functions are not executing
js to coffee script
partial template for top users
partial template for top items
make sure images are loaded
fonts working fine
stiky header broken in home, css class → header2
top user, alternate item image
make sure all links are working
SEO h1/h2
managing images
fixing error in css image paths
13 Jan
5 hour 09 mins
8:32 11:40
12:02 12:35
3:07 3:27
11:03 11:12
11:21 12:20
fixing minor bugs, links, old design pages e.g. item, user, lend
segregating js functions specific to pages
alter curated-item image
bug: top nav on scroll bg-color
fixing header is not fixed when scrolling down
move items/pages/users different js files
working on search results
looking at ruby gems library kaminari that supports pagination
looking at library options to customize the views
14 Jan
2 hour 55 mins
8:18 10:10
10:30 11:33
replacing pagination styles
merging remote changes and routine stuff: db migration, resolve conflict
next tickets on Monday
home page title
links to brands and category pages
next: product page h1, h2
15 Jan
3 hour 37 mins
8:24 9:16
9:35 10:36
11:26 12:30
12:45 13:25
Working on Demetrios review changes
The arrow that populates when Catalogue is expanded/hovered over comes up above the word
General item display issues; Already discussed
Usernames in “Curated by […]” section should remain #283234
>Add some padding between the users profile picture, username, and followers
Remove “Rent” from the navigation in the Lend page
Add new footer to the Lend page
“Click Here” in Wardrobe Guarantee section will take the user to FAQ
Website (Mobile):
Sticky nav’s height is too thick
Wardrobe logo in the nav is not centered with the Menu icon and CTA
Can’t close out of Menu after it’s opened
Can’t scroll to browse more categories when Menu is expanded
Wardrobe Guarantee icon is distorted
16 Jan
1 hour 38 mins
12:30 12:58
4:00 4:40
4:50 5:20
working on product pages h1,h2,h3 (seo friendly)
replacing image alt attribute with item names
same for user closet images
fixing failed test cases
28 Jan
2 hour 34 mins
9:36 11:45
12:25 12:50
syncinig up the repository, running migration
db mirgration failing with error:
Caused by: LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)
going through all the required changes
tried the css changes on browser developer tool
integrating the css with code repository
retesting the changes
raised the PR
December Hours: 0.0
November Hours: 66.6
15 Nov
1 hour 32 mins
8:38 10:10
Reviewed design changes in user closet
Demetrio design changes in Items page
Raised PR https://github.com/Wardrobetech/rails/pull/616
14 Nov
2 hour 08 mins
11:14 13:22
working on Demetrios sketches on user closet
sketch → html slim
apply css
added brand, item name and rental prize
adding view in app link and instagram
aligning instagram image is tricky
13 Nov
0 hour 30 mins
10:04 10:34
review 602, 603
review 606, 607
next: get app link missing in user items
12 Nov
2 hour 21 mins
9:10 9:22
9:34 10:00
10:56 11:34
11:50 12:55
Emails on old templates New Chat Message, Invite User, Payout information change,
Email Changed notification, Return reminder to renter, Pickup reminder to renter
review email triggers
confirmation page after password reset
moving pdf to static s3 bucket from repository
unable to read s3 pdf file in rails server
Next: https://github.com/Wardrobetech/rails/pull/601
hubs → items
11 Nov
3 hour 49 mins
9:00 10:13
10:26 10:40
11:25 11:54
12:07 2:00
links in emails
old links are invalid, replace with new links
wardrobetech://open-app/0/ → open app
wardrobetech://open-settings/#{@user.id}/ → user settings in app
wardrobetech://open-BAG/0/ → user bag
fix failing test cases on master-2
cherry pick branch changes to master-2
fixed authentication_spec
fixed hub_spec
Waiting for app deep links from Rahul
10 Nov
3 hour 44 mins
9:18 10:20
12:22 13:15
2:55 3:18
4:34 6:00
testing high voltage gem
need to have different layouts for some pages.. looks high voltage layouts cant be specific to action
after discussion with stephan, dropped the idea of high-voltage as in some scenarios we still need to use old method of supporting static pages.
reset password template
reset password functionality is broken never resets the password, no failed error shown
height_mm is mandatory now
reset password working now
9 Nov
3 hour 47 mins
8:52 10:10
12:27 1:30
2:56 3:30
4:33 5:25
look for best practices to manage large files without putting in repository
discussion with stephan on handling pdf files and url redirect
high voltage to staging
password reset template
new s3 bucket for images
added s3 bucket for static images, uploaded images
added new config variabled and replacing image path occurrences with new config
testing on development environment
images are slower to load from amazon s3
handle item photos
testing on staging environment
compare image loading s3 vs cloudfront
raised pr to merge in master-2
8 Nov
4 hour 17 mins
8:45 9:50
10:03 12:10
9:30 10:00
11:10 11:45
generated favicon icons for android chrome devices.
uploaded all the favicon icons (ms, apple, android) to the s3 bucket and tested it.
fixed missing hero image from /lend page
redirect links from email template
working on moving mailer images to s3 bucket
implemented high voltage gem
issue with pundit authorization, added high voltage as exception
production fix: Item page, move warnings to product description
7 Nov
3 hour 49 mins
9:19 11:30
12:10 12:30
2:47 3:30
7:45 8:20
review raised pr
prioritizing items for today
Changes by Adarsh
Google tracking code into our website: wearwardrobe.co
Also, pls change the favicon to our logo
don’t expose tracking-id, use partial
can add to all layouts?
new favicon
thinking over solution to balance new items, seen and may like items in searches; ranking alogorithm?
custom url to app notification settings
metamagic title and description for each page?
looked at issue of missing mid-hero image in production
discussion with suraj on favicon image formats
Next tomorrow: favicon, mid-hero image missing, notification redirect, metadata, item location admin screen,
6 Nov
7 hour 16 mins
8:54 10:40
1:44 2:30
3:07 3:30
4:51 5:50
6:34 6:58
7:33 8:19
9:00 9:25
10:08 11:55
Recollecting what’s remaining
Failing spec test cases
Spec test cases for new pages views
Spec test cases for email
hubs → items controller
stephan review comments on staging pr
discussion with stephan on next important things.
fixed failig test cases in item controller
fixed order model failing test cases
Fix links in auto emails
next: add tests for email templates
renter complete receipt
to email, from email, subject
item name
deliver or pickup
has footer: hello@wearwardrobe
has header: Thank you for renting with us!
to email, from email, subject
header: Rental Completed!
item name
to email, from email, subject
header: It’s booked!
delivery vs pickup
order id
item name
password change
to email, from email, subject
header, footer
added test cases shared by stephan
adding password changed & book receipt test cases
associated objects are getting persisted in rspec
order_mailer spec failing as order_item name is not displayed
added rspec for all new order_mailer templates
5 Nov
8 hour 13 mins
8:20 10:55
11:15 12:15
12:53 13:45
2:55 3:10
5:00 6:00
6:20 7:00
7:51 8:11
9:14 10:29
12:00 12:16
account closed, different background color from other templates
staging-development diff commit revert
move items under user namespace
passwored change request template
staging development diff – done
items under user namespace
fix delivery vs pickup
fix links in emails and website
move dev emails to staging
Next: display items belong to hub.. tricky part at the moment
move hubs_map under hubs and hubs → prospective_hub
upgrading to latest ruby
after upgraded ruby still pointing to old version, working on fix.
seems install ruby-railties as root user messed it up, fixed now.
moving hubs related pages under hub controller
fixing links in website
handle pickup vs delivery email template
cherry pick commits to staging
4 Nov
10 hour 34 mins
8:50 10:40
11:10 12:40
1:24 1:55
3:01 3:25
4:31 7:00
7:16 8:20
8:37 9:05
9:43 11:05
11:34 12:30
review pr 544 545
working on register email template
name conflict, not picking default layout
footer layout
working on renter receipt
creating partial layouts
pull values from db
items partial layout
photos partial layout
make footer style configurable
Next: lender template
lender template is very tricky, needs emails for each item owner
book request confirmation template
account related email template
pushing missing commits from development to staging
reviewing code changes
account templates
fix hub delivery vs pickup
putting styles at one place
next: fix background color of account_closed table
3 Nov
7 hour 40 mins
9:18 10:30
10:55 11:40
12:25 13:15
4:30 5:00
5:05 6:00
6:37 7:00
7:17 8:15
8:25 8:40
9:28 10:20
11:13 11:52
12:17 12:38
cross-origin issue
working on amazon s3 bucket settings to enable request header forward
change image url to rails image tag
updated cors configuration in aws settings:
This has been fixed now, I had to change the ‘Behavior settings’ in CloudFront console (https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/no-access-control-allow-origin-error/).
Actually, cloudfront was not passing the origin request headers to the asset headers (css file). I made these changes & we will need to do the same on staging and production as well.
Getting started on email templates
break template into components
convert to slim
integrate db values
going through exising code related to emails
getting all pieces together.. state trigger, email template, how to test
working on welcome email, getting issue with encoding
playing with hub_spec
html to slim, separate place for email images
discussion with stephan for things to watch out for
preview emails: checking rails:mailerController:preview
registration preview
slim appending | vertial separator after every new line
understading layouts, so common pieces could be used
2 Nov
2 hour 47 mins
8:52 10:00
1:24 2:05
11:12 12:10
default avatar
wardrobe logo should take to hope page
hub page background white, spacing in items
map of hubs,
cerapro font
push to staging as well
rent→ find your hub → map of hubs
hubs→ signup → singup section
test cases
reviewing implementation till now
replace default avatar, hub background color, items spacing
adding fomo page
adding page ‘map of hubs’
cerapro font
push to staging
cherry pick commit to staging branch
merged to staging and raised pr request
reproducing cross-origin devserver error on local server.
testing by setting meta tag
1 Nov
4 hour 09 mins
9:56 10:10
10:17 10:39
10:55 12:56
8:50 9:20
11:00 12:02
hubs page
fixing images and spaces
looks alike to template now, next work on signup
working on signup page
replaced html form with rails util form_for
adding field validation for prospective_hub
verified prospective hub is getting saved and emails is triggered
Next: commit early to push on staging, Demetrios feedback, allow cross origin
review code changes
merge development branch and push for PR request
circleci build failing
working on cross-origin issue
Access to font at ‘https://d3myy1jafiv6kf.cloudfront.net/assets/items/CeraPRO-Regular.ttf’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.