---------------- Development Setup -------------------------------------
Download & Install "Git Bash".
Download MongoDB (8.0 or latest).
Install nodeJS (v14 or above)
Get code in your local directory:
Open web page: https://bitbucket.org/eartonic/eriyaz-web
Click on 'Clone' (below header 'Actions')
Copy the selected text (e.g git clone https://[email protected]/eartonic/eriyaz-web.git)
Open GitBash terminal
cd C:/
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone https://<your_bitbucket_id>@bitbucket.org/eartonic/eriyaz-web.git
If successful, you should see new directory 'eriyaz-web'.
Install dependent packages:
$ cd repos\eriyaz-web
$ npm install
$ npm install bower
$ cd client\public\src\ext-libs
$ bower install
Create default location to store mongodb data.
$ cd C:
$ mkdir data
$ cd data
$ mkdir db
Start Application:
Start mongoDB: bin\mongod
Start Node Server
$ cd C:
$ cd repos\eriyaz-web\server
$ node app
open url: localhost:3000 (crome browser)
---------------- End of Development Setup -------------------------------------
Karma quick start :- Included karma dependencies in package.json, so just run "npm install" to install karma. Next install karma-client with "npm install -g karma-cli" karma.conf.js was created using "karma init karma.conf.js" Start karma with "karma start" run tests with "karma run" to add more tests add them in test directory & include them in karma.conf.js.