- A boiler project with the packages we most commonly use.
- An standardized environment (with vagrant & ansible) in order to make this project work and keep on the development process.
- Symfony Standard Edition (v3.3.15 LTS)
- BraincraftedBootstrapBundle
- CraueFormFlowBundle
- DoctrineBundle
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle
- EntityAuditBundle (Simplethings)
- FOSUserBundle (Installed by SonataUserBundle)
- JMSDiExtraBundle
- JMSSecurityExtraBundle
- JMSSerializerBundle
- KnpMenuBundle
- KnpPaginatorBundle
- SonataAdminBundle
- SonataBlockBundle
- SonataCacheBundle
- SonataCoreBundle
- SonataDatagridBundle
- SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle
- SonataEasyExtendsBundle
- SonataIntlBundle
- SonataUserBundle
- VihuvacRecaptchaBundle (reCAPTCHA form field for Symfony)
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
If you find any bug or anything that may cause any problem, please report it. You are encouraged to collaborate! Just submit a pull request with the respective updates.
Clone your fork in order to work over it, if you have not a fork of this repo, just fork it!
If you are already using the IP address set in the project, you can change it in the file
, in same way you can do with the hostname, don't forget that you should not commit these updates. -
Add the hostname and project domain name to your host machine (use the configured IP in the Vagrantfile).
Build the virtual machine with all its dependencies running
vagrant up
from the root of this repo. -
Establish the connection with the virtual machine running
vagrant ssh
from the root of this repo. -
Go to project directory located in
. You may use the command line shortcutproject
. -
Configure your
file. You can useapp/config/parameters.yml.dist
as reference. -
composer install
in order to install the vendors. You can add more vendors if you want, if you do it! You should runcomposer update
in order to update them. -
Install the project assets:
php bin/console assets:install --relative web php bin/console assetic:dump php bin/console cache:clear --env=dev --no-warmup --no-debug
Create the database tables, then add an admin user in order to test the admin dashboard and its features:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force php bin/console fos:user:create admin [email protected] admin --super-admin
You may use a real email address in order to test real user features!
You can access the application in your browser as follows:
If you got already configure the project domain name in your host machine:
Otherwise you can create a local web server running:
php bin/console server:run
Now you can access the application in your browser at
. You can stop the built-in web server by pressingCtrl + C
while you're in the terminal.
Just clone or download this repo.
Rename the main directory
if you want to set your own project name. -
Set a new Hostname, Project Domain Name, IP and Project Name in the file
. These settings are just placeholders for the Project Development. -
Change the origin repo to the new repository in order to push your new project
git remote remove origin; git remote add origin [NEW-GIT-REMOTE]
. -
Change the
file with instructions on how to setup that project accordingly. -
Add the hostname and project domain name to your host machine (use the configured IP in the Vagrantfile).
Build the virtual machine with all its dependencies running
vagrant up
from the root of this repo. -
Establish the connection with the virtual machine running
vagrant ssh
from the root of this repo. -
Go to project directory located in
. You may use the command line shortcutproject
. -
Configure your
file. You can useapp/config/parameters.yml.dist
as reference. -
composer install
in order to install the vendors. You can add more vendors if you want, if you do it! You should runcomposer update
in order to update them. -
Install the project assets:
php bin/console assets:install --relative web php bin/console assetic:dump php bin/console cache:clear --env=dev --no-warmup --no-debug
Create the database tables, then add an admin user in order to test the admin dashboard and its features:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force php bin/console fos:user:create admin [email protected] admin --super-admin
You may use a real email address in order to test real user features!
You can access the application in your browser as follows:
If you got already configure the project domain name in your host machine:
Otherwise you can create a local web server running:
php bin/console server:run
Now you can access the application in your browser at
. You can stop the built-in web server by pressingCtrl + C
while you're in the terminal.
Heads up!
There are a set of useful functions (shortcuts) that you may run via command line using the fish shell. You can find out more reading the file