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A little guide on things I should remember while doing programming things

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Programming Cheat Sheet 2016

This is my little cheat sheet for those moments when you're programming something and you just seem to blank out on what to do or how to do something.

I will build on this as I progress in my courses this semester, and possibly put them in separate files later on if it gets too hectic.

Binary/Hex/Oct/Dec table (and 2 power table)

0000 0 0 0 1
0001 1 1 1 2
0010 2 2 2 4
0011 3 3 3 8
0100 4 4 4 16
0101 5 5 5 32
0110 6 6 6 64
0111 7 7 7 128
1000 8 10 8 256
1001 9 11 9 512
1010 10 12 A 1024
1011 11 13 B 2048
1100 12 14 C 4096
1101 13 15 D 8192
1110 14 16 E 16384
1111 15 17 F 32768
1 0000 16 20 10 65536

Initializing a fucking array

no seriously I trip up so much on this crap it's embarrassing


int arr[5]; // Declare
int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; // Declare & Initialize
int arr[5] = {0}; // Declare and initialize everything to 0 (or anything you like)

Remember to keep track of the array length, that is not tracked in the type level like in higher level languages. It's why you have argc/argv pairs among other things. Array length should (sadly) just be a parameter


int arr[5]; // Declare
int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; // Declare & Initialize

// The safe way of initializing arrays in C++; it does bound checks
std::array<int,5> arr;


/* Declaring */
int[] arr; // int arr[] also works but is discouraged (from Oracle docs)

/* Initializing */
arr = new int[10];

Complex C Declarations

Declaration Meaning Example
type name; name is a type int a;
type *name; name is a pointer int *a;
type **name; name is a point to pointer to type int **pp;
type name[]; name is an Array of type int a[3]; //a++; is illegal (a is a CONSTANT POINTER to the first element)

*(a+1) = 5; // This works, however
type *name[]; name is an Array of pointers
type (*name)[]; Pointer to array of type
type name [][]; name is array of array of type *((a+i)+j) = 5 // Works

a[i][j] = 5; // Equivalent
type name(); Function name that returns type
type *name(); Function name that returns pointer to type
type (*name)(); Pointer to function name that returns type. A function pointer, yay!

A pointer to the first command of an array of CPU instructions (pretty much what a function is)

Pointer arithmetic cannot be done on function pointers

type (*name[])();
name is a pointer to an array of functions (cannot be done)

Name is an array of pointer to functions.
int *const p; p is a constant pointer that returns int

Getting practical

typedef int (*PTR_F)(int, int); // Pointer to function that takes two ints and returns type int
int (*ptr_f)(int, int);
PTR_F ptr_ft; // same as above
PTR_F aptr_ft[3];
 *USAGE: ptf_f = ptf_ft = sum; where sum is name of function

Array of pointer to function

int (*aptr_f[3])(int, int);

Initialization or assignment

ptr_f = ptr_ft = sum;
aptr_f[0] = aptr_ft[0] = sum;
aptr_f[1] = aptr_ft[1] = min;
aptr_f[2] = aptr_ft[2] = max;

"Exotic" declarations (I call these "mindfuck declarations")

int (*(*foo(void))[]) (char);
int * (*(*(arr[3]) (void))[5];

Declaring a constant pointer

int *const p;


typedef Token (*PTR_AAF)(char *lexeme);
PTR_AAF aa_table[] = {NULL, NULL, aa_func02};


// needs std=gnu99
int *arr;
int len = 50;

arr = (int*)malloc(len * sizeof(int));
//     ^ the type you are containing
//                               ^ one pointer level down from the type you are containing

// calloc zeroes out any memory leftovers when allocating

arr = (int*)calloc(len, sizeof(int));


// (Most profs hate it and will cut you, and your grade for it)

If you have structs with pointers (like a binary tree), make sure you follow down the branches and delete the nodes first before the root, unless you want dangling pointers lost in the void, and give code reviewers a reason to own a pitchfork under their desk. Java and most OOP languages will let you off the hook, but C/C++ could care less about lost pointers.

Oh yeah and watch how you use goto. If you have second doubts about using it then there's probably a better way.

Makefiles and GCC



output-file: input-file other-input-file
    lol compiler commands here


An example:


To use constants in a rule, use $(CONSTANT). Much like a #define in C/C++, it will be replaced verbatim

To have a literal dollar sign ($), do $$.

Practical example


smooth-criminal: michael_jackson.c lyrics.c
    $(CC) -O smooth-criminal michael_jackson.c lyrics.c $(CFLAGS)

A good suggestion for beginners (like me) is to map your project on paper so you can visualize your source files and dependencies properly (very useful for more complex projects). It will most certainly prevent you from bashing your head on a wall in anger trying to figure out how to write your makefile rules.

Note: Running $ make without arguments will run the first rule in the makefile


Options most commonly used

Option "What does this button do?" What do you get out of it?
-c Only runs preprocess, compile, and assembly steps. You get an assembly file for the given architecture used by the compiler (it varies by compiler, but for GCC it uses x86 or x86_64, depending on your OS)
-g Generates source-level debug information You can debug your shit now
-o <file> Names the file the executable will be written to Your executable is not named a.out
-j<value> Number of concurrent jobs to be done. Default is 1, and it is unlimited You can do more shit at the same time. Usually not a big deal with smaller projects, but you can see some build speed increase on large projects. Recommended to never give a value higher than your logical core count (CPU thread count, not physical cores)

Set this too high a number and mechanical hard drives will beg for mercy when used with large projects

Flags you will/should care about

Flag Why should I give a damn about it?
-Werror Treats all compiler warnings as errors. Prevents a lot of stupid mistakes from even compiling.
-Wall Enables literally every single warning the compiler can throw at you. Combined with -Werror, it is literal hardmode programming
-Wmisleading-indentation Has the compiler tell you if you're abusing C's block rules to make code that looks okay to a human. However it can cause things like the goto fail vulnerability.
-I <value> Adds a header search location that is searched before the system header lists. This is for angle bracket includes.
-std=gnu11 Sets the C standard to use when compiling to gnu99. Your professor may mandate otherwise. Generally you should be using gnu99 or gnu11 (gnu extensions to c99 and c2011).

Git gud

Another bane of my existence. I'm writing this so I don't have to hunt down the guide on GH every time I forget. Writing it out also helps me remember!

Creating a local repository (with terminal)

  1. $ cd into root of project
  2. $ git init. Git will create a .git directory if it works
  3. $ git add to prepare these humans for ascension files for commit
  4. $ git commit

Good job mate, you have a local git repo.

But how the heck do I put it on GitHub?

WELLLLLLL don't get ahead of yourself, pal.

  1. Go to github, make a new repository (depending on how you set your local repo up, you may or may not necessarily need a, so uncheck that little bugger if so)
  2. Back to your local repo:
  3. $ git remote add origin [email protected]:username/repo_name - Note: This is the SSH method. If you have that set up already you won't have to put in your username/password every time you want to push things. The normal method is: $ git remote add origin
  4. $ git push -u origin master

Remember the three magic words: add, commit, push.


A little guide on things I should remember while doing programming things






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