The objective of this assignment is to complete all the past assignments.
Use Python 3.7 or a newer version. Required pip packages:
- ply, pytest, setuptools, graphviz, pathlib, timeout_decorator, pytest-timeout, llvmlite
After you have accepted this assignment on the course's Github Classroom page, clone it to your machine.
You can run each file directly with python. For more information, run them with a -h
For example:
python3 uc/ -h
You can use the inputs available inside
the tests/
script is also available, it can be run through its
symbolic link at the root of the repo (ucc
). For more information, run:
./ucc -h
You can run all the tests in tests/test-pX/in-out/
automatically with pytest
. For
that, you first need to make the source files visible to the tests. There are
two options:
- Install your project in editable mode using the
file from the root of the repo
pip install -e .
- Or, add the repo folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable with
Then you should be able to run all the tests by running pytest
at the root
of the repo. Or you can choose a single test folder with:
pytest tests/test-dir
This step is optional. Required pip packages:
- flake8, black, isort
You can lint your code with two flake8
commands from the root of the repo:
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-line-length=120 --statistics
The first command shows errors that need to be fixed and will cause your commit to fail. The second shows only warnings that are suggestions for a good coding style.
To format the code, you can use isort
to manage the imports and black
for the rest of the code. Run both from the root of the repo:
isort .
black .
Your assignment will be evaluated in terms of:
- Correctness: your program returns correct results for the tests;
Whenever you push your changes to Github, Github Actions will lint and run your
implementation with pytest
to test all the inputs in tests/
Your grade will be automatically determined by the autograding job.
To check your grade online:
- Go to the
tab in your repo - Click on the latest commit
- Click on
on the left panel- This will show all the steps on the Autograding CI
- Click on the
Run tests with autograding
job and scroll to the bottom
You must not modify the test files.
Note: The automatic grading system expects your program's output to be
formatted correctly. For that reason, you should not add print()
or any other
functions that write to stdout
, otherwise, your assignment will not be graded
Note: The final grade for this assignment will be determined by the lastest commit before the deadline, and it will not use Github's autograding. An internal grading script will be run instead to prevent cheating.
If you have any doubts or run into problems, please contact the TAs.
Happy coding! 😄 ⌨️
Found a typo? Something is missing or broken? Have ideas for improvement? The instructor and the TAs would love to hear from you!
This repository is one of the assignments handed out to the students in the course "MC921 - Compiler Construction" offered by the Institute of Computing at Unicamp.