tensorchart-api is a js library that integrates accesses to tensorchart.com, with which it is possible to obtain all tensor information and statistical data. it is also possible to format the graphical data output to integrate with the tradingview
follow the instructions below to use the library
~# npm i tensorchart-api --save
const tensorChart = require('tensorchart-api');
//use with exchange and currencie Pair
const tensor = new tensorChart('binance', 'BNBBTC')
tensor.chart('5min').then(chart => {
- returns
open: 17795.83,
high: 17814.89,
low: 17755.55,
close: 17768.17,
volume: 415.001242,
heatmap: [
17820, 5.172808999999998,
17810, 26.854821000000015,
17800, 54.00554800000001,
17790, 136.30992299999997,
17780, 69.938343,
17770, 80.13468300000004,
17760, 42.58511499999998
heatmapStep: 10,
heatmapStepVolume: 97.20900304615498,
heatmapSells: [
17820, 4.039930999999999,
17810, 16.348587,
17800, 33.409158000000005,
17790, 68.42017600000001,
17780, 32.878633,
17770, 50.86639800000002,
17760, 28.805457999999998
heatmapBuys: [
17820, 1.1328779999999998,
17810, 10.506234000000001,
17800, 20.59639,
17790, 67.88974700000003,
17780, 37.05971,
17770, 29.268285,
17760, 13.779656999999997
heatmapDelta: [
17820, -2.9070529999999994,
17810, -5.842352999999996,
17800, -12.812767999999997,
17790, -0.5304289999999985,
17780, 4.181076999999993,
17770, -21.598113,
17760, -15.025801000000003
heatmapOrderBook: [
19060, 21.836, 19050,
0.06, 19040, 0.02,
19030, 0, 19020,
0.01, 19010, 121.498,
19000, 18.726000000000003, 18990,
1.81, 18980, 0.01,
18970, 0, 18960,
34.93, 18950, 0.01,
18940, 0, 18930,
0.41, 18920, 0,
18910, 36.78, 18900,
0, 18890, 0.01,
18880, 0.16, 18870,
0, 18860, 10.37,
18850, 0, 18840,
0.632, 18830, 0,
18820, 0, 18810,
40.92, 18800, 0.9479999999999998,
18790, 0, 18780,
0.02, 18770, 0.21000000000000002,
18760, 11.33, 18750,
2.44, 18740, 0.22000000000000003,
18730, 10.4, 18720,
0, 18710, 35.01200000000001,
18700, 7.890000000000001, 18690,
2.71, 18680, 0,
18670, 0.006, 18660,
14.25, 18650, 0,
18640, 3.056, 18630,
4.65, 18620, 0,
18610, 57.862, 18600,
11.44, 18590, 5.7,
18580, 4.24, 18570,
... 408 more items
heatmapOrderBook2: [
18241, 3.81, 18240,
0.09, 18239, 0.07,
18238, 2.1, 18237,
0.39, 18236, 0.38,
18235, 0.15, 18234,
0.02, 18233, 0.12,
18232, 0.05, 18231,
0.04, 18230, 0.01,
18229, 0.18, 18228,
2.04, 18227, 0.35,
18226, 0.07, 18225,
0.02, 18224, 0.01,
18223, 0.09000000000000001, 18222,
0.6766666666666666, 18221, 4.883333333333333,
18220, 0.02, 18219,
0.11, 18218, 4.79,
18217, 0.27, 18216,
0.10000000000000002, 18215, 0.22,
18214, 0.04, 18213,
0.01, 18212, 0.25,
18211, 0.14, 18210,
0.01, 18209, 0.11000000000000001,
18208, 3.05, 18207,
0.89, 18206, 0.56,
18205, 0.09, 18204,
0.04, 18203, 0.02,
18202, 0, 18201,
56.105999999999995, 18200, 2.42,
18199, 0.36, 18198,
3.12, 18197, 0.33,
18196, 2.23, 18195,
0.12, 18194, 0.02,
18193, 0.2, 18192,
... 1736 more items
askVolume: 8294.878752199995,
bidVolume: 4866.8986796,
vwap: 7380524.80081,
buyVolume: 180.232901,
sellVolume: 234.76834100000002,
minOrderBookHeatmapIncrement: 1,
maxOrderBookHeatmapPointVolume: 121.67743857949972,
maxOrderBook2HeatmapPointVolume: 21.398249492049217,
T: '2020-12-11T07:30:00Z',
date: 'Fri Dec 11 2020 07:30:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)',
dateInt: 1607671800
to realtime conncetion with websockets. use this:
//type is reg for default
//exchangeAndPair is binance-BTCUSDT default
tensor.liveChart({type: 'reg', exchangeAndPair: 'binanceBTCUSDT'}, call => {
to connect in live chart candle values, you can use this:
//define type
//define time
//exchangeAndPair is binance on default
tensor.liveChartCandle({type: 'reg', time: '5min', exchangeAndPair: 'binanceBTCUSDT'}, call => {
open: 45793.34,
close: 45859.64,
high: 45868.04,
low: 45767.61,
vol: 59.84709999999999,
time: 1631474400
to export tradingview format on udf
protocol try this.:
//define time for get data 5min, 30min, ...
tensor.tradingViewChart('5min').then(data => {
to get data for config json chart, you can try this.
tensor.tradingViewConfig(null).then(data => {
end return this.
supports_search: true,
supports_group_request: false,
supports_marks: false,
supports_timescale_marks: false,
supports_time: true,
exchanges: { value: 'BINANCE', name: 'BINANCE', desc: 'BINANCE' },
supported_resolutions: [
'1', '3', '5',
'15', '30', '60',
'120', '240', '360',
'720', 'D', 'W',
to get symbols definitions for tradingView charts use this format code:
tensor.tradingViewSymbols(null).then(data => {
and return this
name: 'BNBBTC',
description: 'BNBBTC',
type: 'crypto',
session: '24x7',
timezone: 'America/New_York',
ticker: 'BNBBTC',
minmov: 1,
pricescale: 100000000,
has_intraday: true,
intraday_multipliers: [ '1', '60' ],
supported_resolutions: [
'1', '3', '5',
'15', '30', '60',
'120', '240', '360',
'720', 'D', 'W',
volume_precision: 8,
data_status: 'streaming'