The purpose of this project is to complete the #2 Challenge of the Rocketseat GoStack 12 Bootcamp!
This challenges consists in create a basic api with NodeJs, capable of pass in the following tasks:- Should be able to create a new repository;
- Should be able to list the repositories;
- Should be able to update repository;
- Should not be able to update a repository that does not exist;
- Should not be able to update repository likes manually;
- Should be able to delete the repository;
- Should not be able to delete a repository that does not exist;
- Should be able to give a like to the repository;
- Should not be able to like a repository that does not exist;
- Javascript;
- NodeJS;
- Express;
- HTTP Methods;
- HTTP Status Code;
- Routes management;
- ES6 Destructuring;
- API parameters;
$ yarn install
$ yarn test