Source code of the Android app, using Retrofit, Materials, Dagger 2, Picasso, Butterknife and palette
- Display an endless list of github users.
- Access to an User's profile info.
- Floating Action icon to come back to the app in any time (like Messenger's Chat Heads)
- Clean app architecture: UI and API separated
- Package by feature.
- Model View Presenter pattern (MVP)
- Responsive UI
- Reactive Programming with RxJava and RxLifecycle
- Use of ConstraintLayout
- Use of Collapsing Toolbar Layout
- Use of ButterKnife for Data Binding
- Retrofit + GSON
- Dagger 2 for Dependency injection
- Picasso for image loading
- Espresso for UI Testing
- Shared Element Activity Transition
- Cool material design animations