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Nightly alpha package release #10

Nightly alpha package release

Nightly alpha package release #10

Workflow file for this run

name: Nightly alpha package release
# minute 0, hour 0 UTC (which is 6pm PST/5pm PDT), any day of month, any month, any day of the week
# if we want to support only Mon - Fri we need to change the check how we look for new changes. Currently we
# check for any new changes in the last 24 hours regardless of day)
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# cancel workflow when a newer version of the workflow is triggered on the same github ref
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Check for new changes
hasChanged: ${{ steps.checkChange.outputs.hasChanged }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Check-out repo
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Check if any changes have been pushed to main since last release
- name: Check latest commit age
id: checkChange
# Here we query the github rest api for the commits, use jq (json parser) to grab the first commit and put contents into $HOME/commit.json
# Note: we ignore commits made by the bot account that commits the auto version bump changes.
# Then get the timestamp date for the first commit and check if it was over a day old.
run: |
curl -H 'authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' -sL${{ github.repository }}/commits | jq -r '[.[] | select(.author.login != "github-action-bot")][0]' > $HOME/commit.json
commitdate=$(jq -r '' $HOME/commit.json)
commiturl=$(jq -r '.url' $HOME/commit.json)
echo Last commit: $commiturl
echo Last commit date \(UTC\): $commitdate
timestamp=$(date --utc -d "$commitdate" +%s)
echo Commit timestamp: $timestamp
currentTimestamp=$(date --utc +%s)
echo Current timestamp: $currentTimestamp
days=$(( ($currentTimestamp - $timestamp ) / 86400 ))
echo Days since last commit: $days
if [ $days = "0" ]; then
echo "hasChanged=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "hasChanged=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
name: Create alpha releases
needs: checkForChanges
if: needs.checkForChanges.outputs.hasChanged == 'true'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Check-out repo
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
# Ensure node version is great enough
- name: Use Node.js v18.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x'
# Try get node_modules from cache
- name: Restore node_modules from cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: common/temp/pnpm-store
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('common/config/rush/pnpm-lock.yaml') }}
# Install dependencies
- name: Install rush
run: npm install -g @microsoft/[email protected]
- name: Install dependencies
run: rush install --max-install-attempts 3
# Get datetime
- name: Get datetime for alpha release name
id: datetime
run: |
echo "datetime=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Bump alpha package versions
- name: Bump alpha package versions
run: node common/scripts/bump-alpha-versions.js ${{ steps.datetime.outputs.datetime }}
- name: Synchronize package version reported to telemetry
run: node common/scripts/sync-telemetry-package-version
# Important to check version consistency again after bumping versions.
- name: Ensure all package versions are consistent
run: rush ensure-consistent-versions
# Alpha version run latest
- name: Force build flavor to `beta`
run: node ./common/scripts/force-build-flavor.mjs beta
# Build packages
- name: Build @azure/communication-react package
run: rush build -t @azure/communication-react
# Test Packages
- name: Test @azure/communication-react package
run: rush test -t @azure/communication-react
# Retrieve new version to tag and publish release with
- name: Retrieve new version from package.json
id: version
run: |
ver=$(jq -r .version packages/communication-react/package.json)
echo version: $ver
echo "version=$ver" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Push git tags
- name: Create and push git tags
run: |
git tag ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
git push --tags
# Clean package.json
- name: Remove scripts, devDependencies, and beachball from package.json
run: node ./common/scripts/preparePackageJSON.js
working-directory: ./packages/communication-react
# Publish package
- name: Package alpha packages for release
run: npm pack
working-directory: ./packages/communication-react
# Deploy npm package - this is done by uploading to Azure's SDK blob storage then triggering their partner release pipeline.
# More info:
- name: Upload tarball to blob storage
uses: azure/CLI@v1
inlineScript: |
az login --service-principal -u ${{ secrets.AZURESDKPARTNERDROPS_CLIENT_ID }} -p ${{ secrets.AZURESDKPARTNERDROPS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KEY }} --tenant ${{ secrets.AZURESDKPARTNERDROPS_TENANT_ID }}
az extension add --name storage-preview
az storage azcopy blob upload -s "packages/communication-react/release/*" -c "drops/azure-communication-services/react/npm/${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}" --account-name azuresdkpartnerdrops
- name: Trigger alpha package release pipeline
uses: Azure/[email protected]
azure-devops-project-url: ''
azure-pipeline-name: 'azuresdkpartnerdrops to npm'
azure-devops-token: '${{ secrets.AZURE_SDK_RELEASE_PIPELINE_DEVOPS_TOKEN }}'
azure-pipeline-variables: '{"accessLevel": "public", "BlobPath": "azure-communication-services/react/npm/${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}", "registry": "", "skipDiff": "False", "tag": "dev"}'
- name: Check if npm package published successfully
run: node common/scripts/poll-npm-package-published.mjs ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: release
if: failure()
name: Create GitHub issue on failure
# Failure of this action indicates a problem with our infrastructure.
# Always file a GitHub issue to alert the OCE of the problem.
- name: Create GitHub issue
id: create-issue
run: |
# check for an issue that is already open
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" > $HOME/open_issues.json
issue_count=$(jq -r '.total_count' $HOME/open_issues.json)
if [ $issue_count -gt 0 ]; then
echo "No need to create new issue, one already exists"
curl -X POST -H 'authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' -d '{"title":"Nightly workflow to release alpha package failed", "body": "Please investigate:${{ github.run_id }}", "labels":["NIGHTLY_CD_FAILURE", "status:triage"]}'