This repository contains Python scripts and notebooks to generate classification models for 25 landmarks.
Five notebooks are present in the notebooks/
1 - Basic CNN
which creates a model from a basic CNN ;2 - Data Augmentation
which used the same basic CNN with data augmentation ;3 - Bottleneck features
which uses the bottleneck features from a pre-trained VGG16 CNN ;4 - Fine-tuning
which fine-tunes the last convolutional block of a pre-trained VGG16 CNN ;5 - Adversarial examples with FGSM
which generates adversarial examples with FGSM (Fast Gradient Sign Method) ;6 - Cleverhans benchmark
which bencharmks our basic CNN model withcleverhans
package using FGSM attack.
The five notebooks were run on a p2.xlarge
AWS EC2 instance using the Deep Learning AMI.
First, make sure you have Python 3 installed on your machine, along with the following packages :
The dataset comes from here. A Python script is provided to download all the images:
$ python3 utils/ 'train'
$ python3 utils/ 'validation'
It can take several hours depending on your internet connection speed.
Once all the photos are in the data
folder, run a cleanup script in order to remove not found images :
$ python utils/
You can now execute the notebooks on your local environment !